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new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« on: April 04, 2010, 10:03:44 AM »
New Hip
Date of surgery: Wednesday March 17th 2010 (My 49th birthday)
Doctor Michael Clarke   Right hip resurfacing
Check in Community General Hospital at 8:30 AM
First I talked to anesthesiologist about options. Usually they give an epidural, but when I explained that I had had back surgery 6 years before for a bulging disk that affected my left leg and that since the surgery some of the pain had remained. After having a new MRI it showed that I had arthritis that now was affecting my lower spine. During my back surgery they had tried to remove 6 benign tumors, but were unable due to their location. He began looking through my file. After finding the results of the prior surgery he said that there was no way he would do the epidural due to the fact that in the last two years they had found in studies that it would feed these types of benign tumors of the spine and they would grow. So he could only do the general. He apologized ahead of time for any pain I would feel after and told me not to be afraid to push the pain button.
The last thing I remember was the nurse saying we were off and slowly pushing the meds. I kissed my husband and before I even made it out the door to the operating room I was out. I woke up to a hello about 1 1/2 hours later without any pain. The nurse handed me the button and said to push it for pain. When I said I felt good she laughed and pushed the button. 
With my blood pressure fine and all looking well I was off to my room. I asked when I could get up and walk and the nurse said that they do not allow that the first day. My right leg was strapped to the side of a cushion that was holding my legs apart and I realized I also had a large ball with a wire attached to my right hip. It was a pain ball which was putting a pain killer right into the surgical site. Other than back pressure I was still feeling no pain even without pushing the button.  From the moment I woke I began doing foot flexes in both legs and pulling my left leg up to keep it from falling asleep. I drank as much water as I could for the rest of that day and all through the night to wash out any of the anesthesia or pain medications left in my system. I had a catheter in and because I only slept at 10 minute intervals it was easy to drink a lot. I had donated my own blood for the surgery so even though it wasn’t used during the procedure they put it back through the iv throughout the night, which gave me bright rosy checks the next day. 
In the morning the catheter was removed  and the pain button, which I choose not to use due to no pain. Shortly after I was up and walking with the PT. It felt great to walk, but she kept me to half the floor. The pain ball was removed that night and I was able to walk the whole floor. While we were walking  the PT said I was doing so good that I may be able to leave the next morning as long as I could do the stairs. I still was unable to sleep well, not because of pain in the hip, but because of sleeping on my back and the stiffness that caused. I kept drinking as much water as I could, which of course meant getting up a lot, and I began taking Tylenol the next morning hoping that I would be taking a ride home. By 8 AM the nurse came in and said I was doing well and could go home that morning by 10:00. I had to go to PT to be sure I could do the stairs first. It turned out to be much easier than I thought so I was released!
Getting in the car, the ride home (about an hour) and getting up the 8 stairs into the house took its toll and I was existed by the time I laid down again. We had ordered a hospital bed, but I just could not get comfortable so I moved to a recliner. I had a walker which I used for the next 2 days. Because I left the hospital on Friday I did not see a nurse till Monday and all was well, so she said I would not need her again. Because I had glue and sterile strips she also said that I could take a shower. That was the best shower I ever had and when I was done I felt like a new person.
Monday afternoon (day 5) was my first in home PT. Even though I knew my leg was not doing as my mind told it to I was still surprised when the PT told me to lie down, straighten my leg and then lift it that no matter how hard I tried it just would not budge. He tried helping it up and then telling me to hold it there, but it just went down. I could pull it up to a bent position, but slowly and with a lot of stiffness. He also had me walk with the cane and concentrate on not leaning. Although my new hip felt like it was a foot higher than the other he assured me that it was not and that I needed to push into it to walk straight. I had to teach my brain to walk into the pain a bit. Day 4 of PT he took away the cane and had me work on my posture while walking, as hard as it was at first, after a few rounds I felt my hip responding and I could walk without the cane or the limp. By the next day I had worked hard, but still could only lift the leg an inch and a half. Although he said that was good I felt defeated. I was amazed by day three that I was able to not only lift it straight up but he had to stop me from lifting it past the 90 degree limit. Then came the stairs. After I went up and down a couple times as I was taught at the hospital he told me to walk down normal. I put the bad foot down first then went to step to the next step with the good and I felt a tearing sensation from my knee up. I stopped caught my breath and he said to continue so I did go down and up a few times. I was sore after, but with ice and time it slowly went away. By day 16 I was going up and down one foot on each step without the cane and no pain. That was my last day of home PT. I start out Monday with my pre-surgery PT. three times a week.
During the last two weeks my leg went from looking pretty good, to swelling to the bruising running down the back of my leg and settling at my ankle. I bruise very easily and after seeing the video of the surgery I was not surprised or worried.
Sleep has been the worst of all. Sleeping on my back has not been an option for me since the back issues, but now it was the only way I could. As hard as I tried to sleep on my side with a pillow the feeling of the hip was odd and I just could not get comfortable.  I slept in my recliner leaning sideways into one arm of it. Also the ache from my shin was keeping me up. As the days progressed that slowly went away. I am now back in my bed, still on my back, but sleeping better on day 17.
As far as work goes I own my own business and I started back on Monday (day 5) working from my home doing desk work, payroll, and orders. On day 13 I groomed two dogs without any lifting. Mostly I am home working still and only go to the shop if needed.  I plan to take it easy until after I see Dr Clarke on April 27th.
I know when I was told about resurfacing and sent to Dr. Clarke I looked up everything on the subject. This site was a lifesaver and after surgery I just needed to hear about others who had gone through it. I felt great comfort in the fact that we are all different and heal at different rates. Just to know that there are others that understand the journey and to read their stories is reassuring. I hope that my story will help someone through a bad day or even a moment of their recovery.
Thank you Patricia. You have helped me through my journey…..
RBHR Dr. Clarke 3/17/10

Pat Walter

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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 02:36:06 PM »
Hi Margie

Glad to hear you are doing well.  You will be amazed how quickly you will continue to heal.

Thank You very much for posting your story.  The personal stories are the best way for new folks to learn about resurfacing, surgery and the post op recoveries.

I hope you continue to do well and please stay in touch.

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2010, 07:41:21 PM »
Margie, thanks, great job with the details. You could be a writer!  Keep up the good work. ;D moe
Bi-lateral, BHR, Dr Marchand. 7-13-09


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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2010, 08:22:29 PM »
Thank you Pat and Moe. I can only hope that I can help others as you have helped me.
Tomorrow will be my 3 week mark. I had my first trip to my pre-surgery Physical therapist on Monday and he was very happy with my recovery so far. He did check my range of motion in my hip and said I was tight and had a way to go. I started all new exercises and he had me do a mile and a half on a stationary bike. Some of the exercises I need to work on, but the bike felt good.
I went to work for a couple hours after and felt my eyes blurring while I sat at the computer. By 12:00 I went home to ice my leg and instantly fell asleep. Listening to your body is, like you have all said, the best way.
RBHR Dr. Clarke 3/17/10


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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2010, 08:25:27 AM »
I am now at 3 1/2 weeks. What a difference four days can make! I am sleeping better and at last I feel comfortable enough to sleep on my unoperated side, with a pillow between my legs. The operated side still feels like I have a beach ball inside when I lay on it, but it is getting better.
I now sometimes forget my cane and find that I have walked to another room without it. I still find myself getting tired after only a few hours of being on my feet at work, but I have the luxury of going home and putting my feet up when needed. I still have bruising, mostly around my ankle, and the muscle around the inside of my leg seems to be the most tender. My leg moves in all directions now when my brain tells it to. I don't quite know when that happened, but the fact that it did not respond to my will full commands only weeks ago is almost hard to remember.
Went to physical therapy three times this week. By Friday my range of motion had already gotten considerably better and I was up to three miles on a stationary bike. The only problem I had was my back becoming sore from sitting on the seat. Because I felt the motion of the bike helped me I purchased a recumbent bike and talked to my physical therapist about how to set the seat to do the best for me. I quickly realized after a mile on the recumbent bike that it was a bit more work than the stationary bike, due to the pedaling action is in front of you, not under. I decided to work my way further each day. The seat is so much better on my back so that helps a lot.
By Wednesday, my four week mark, I was told by my doctor that I can break my 90 degree rule and start stretching my leg up toward my chest. I believe this will help the muscles in the back of my leg to become stronger. My PT has worked with many resurfacing patients and he said he will help me with this and get me doing exercises that I can do at home.
I am so happy with recovery so far and am amazed every morning with how each new day brings more mobility and healing.
RBHR Dr. Clarke 3/17/10

Pat Walter

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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2010, 08:30:06 AM »
Hi Margie

Glad to hear things are going easier now.  Healing often happens in plateaus - you will not improve, then all of a sudden you will jump ahead.  Sometimes you take 2 steps forward and occasionally 1 step back.  Healing is not a straight line - it varies up and down.

Hope you continue to do well.  You will often be very stiff after sitting.  I did some water walking and water exercises around the 6 week time.  It helped a lot. The stiffness never came back after that.

Have fun. 

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2010, 03:46:25 PM »
Thanks Pat, I do have a hot tub and I will ask my physical therapist this week about using it for some exercise or maybe just to ease the muscles a bit.
I am at four and a half weeks now and only use the cane on long days when I get tired. We had a fundraiser for our animal rescue group all day yesterday at our local grocery store and after the 5th hour I did get it from the car for some support. I found the hard folding cars more uncomfortable than just staying on my feet. I learned my lesson, I will always remember my memory foam pillow next time! We did adopt out one of our puppy mill dogs to a great home and the day went well.
I have heard of other people driving soon after surgery, so I called my doctor's office to ask about it. The nurse called me back and said that Dr. Clarke does not want anyone driving until after he sees them at 6 weeks. I understand why, but I feel sorry for my husband who has to get me places all the time.
Now that I am able to break the 90 degree rule I have started new stretching exercises. Within just a few days I can now put on my left sock, I will have to work harder to get the right. Goals. My range of motion is better than it was presurgery, according to my physical therapist, and he insures me that it will even get better. The muscle soreness is getting better and it seems that most of the tenderness is around the surgery site itself.
Better every day!
RBHR Dr. Clarke 3/17/10

Pat Walter

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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2010, 09:28:09 PM »

The water therapy I am talking about is water walking and other exercises.  You get in neck deep warm water and walk forward, backward and sideways. I did many laps for 20 minutes or so. The walking action is similar to regular walking, but for some reason the resistance of the water helps the muscles.  I don't think a hot tub will work since you can't walk in it.  http://www.surfacehippy.info/poolexercises.php

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2010, 08:28:31 PM »
Five weeks today and I put both my socks on like a normal person. Well, not quite "normal", but mission accomplished! Oh the excitement of life with a new hip....
RBHR Dr. Clarke 3/17/10


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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2010, 07:35:38 AM »
Hi Margie!

So glad to hear that you are progressing well   :)
I am only 3 weeks away from my surgery now.... !
I was wondering what type of device you received... a Cormet or a BHR?
Right BHR by Dr. Clarke  5-19-10

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Pat Walter

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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2010, 08:17:26 AM »
Great Margie!   THink what you will be doing this summer   :D

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2010, 07:03:16 PM »
Thanks Pat and Jack!
I received a BHR and now as of today my new hip is 6 weeks old. I was able to touch my toes and my range of motion is all very good so I left physical therapy on Friday for the last time.
I really put the new hip to the test Saturday and Sunday. We had a big fund raising  event at work and I was on my feet for 10 hours one day and 11 the next. Everyone kept telling me to sit down, but to be honest I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get moving again! I have to admit after I finally did get home and sat down for a bit I had to work really hard to get up and get into bed. My back was more the culprit than the hip. (do you ever think there will be a disc resurfacing?) I took it a bit easier on Monday and had my 6 week check up with Dr. Clarke on Tuesday morning. All is well and he was pleased with my progress. Now I can drive again. what a relief!!
I am amazed at how many clients I see at work now that have had the total hip replacement. They all gasp as I bend over and pick up a (small) dog and quickly tell me not to do that. I feel almost guilty explaining that it's OK for me to do that because of the resurfacing. They are interested, but I sometimes get the feeling they don't believe me.
With all as good as it is, I do have to admit that it took me a lot to convince myself to kneel on the floor. Getting up from the kneeling position was one of the hardest things for me to do before the resurfacing. Once I got knelt down I had to think about getting up and how to do it. I decided to start with the good leg first and as I started I wished I had waited until my husband had been in the house. I stood right up and the other leg followed with no problems. It is funny how little things like that can spark fear.
Good luck Jack and if you have any questions I would be more than happy to answer anything. Three weeks will go by fast. I always feel that life is great because we always have something to look forward to. I looked forward to beginning this journey to no more pain. I knew once it began it would get better and better while I healed. This site is a God send. Use it to guide you through the ups and downs and to help you guide the next hippy!
Best to you,
RBHR Dr. Clarke 3/17/10


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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2010, 07:59:08 PM »
Not to get off topic.... but this guy (Capicotto) advertises all the time about disk replacement. As I understand it this will work for the back, but not the neck yet. See what you think. I will probably need it one day too.... I really don't know much about him other than what Ive seen on tv ads.


I had my meeting with the RPA today and was way less than thrilled with him. I found him to be self centered, very short with us, and disorganized. I guess it's not that important since he is not doing the surgery. Ahhh well you cant win them all I suppose.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 08:10:47 PM by Pat Walter »
Right BHR by Dr. Clarke  5-19-10

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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2010, 08:58:17 PM »
Thanks Jack.
I hope your Doctor was better than your RPA. I am sorry he made you feel that way. I think any doctor would want to know about that because the RPA also represents the office. You should always feel comfortable about asking questions. You are the client and the one going through this.
Thanks for the back info. I will check it out.

RBHR Dr. Clarke 3/17/10


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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2010, 10:58:24 PM »
I am now at over 8 weeks. Life is back to normal and most of the time I forget I even had surgery. I do find that once in a while when I sit down for a bit, that when I first get up it does take a while to get going normal again. When at work I just keep going and as long as I don't sit for more than just a few minutes I am fine.
Yesterday morning my husband brought his knee up in his sleep and hit my hip. I, of course, woke up and gasp. He grumbled and went back to sleep, I got out of bed. Later he remembered what had happened and felt awful about it and then said, "Aren't you all healed at 8 weeks?" I explained the best I could about the healing process and he said he didn't realize because I seemed back to normal. I guess I should have kept him in the loop.
Sometimes I feel like this is too good to last, then I realize I am still getting better every day.

Hope everyone is well.
RBHR Dr. Clarke 3/17/10


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Re: new hip from Dr. Clarke. my journey so far
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2010, 07:21:45 AM »
Great to hear Margie! I hope that it just keeps getting better for you....
Right BHR by Dr. Clarke  5-19-10

My BHR Story



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