I am in a steep cup situation like you, and really want a cup replacement only. I have not gotten confirmation that cup-only revisions are being done.
I did not know that my cup was at 65 degrees until I started to deteriorate about 14 months after a right hip BHR. I was trying to increase my running mileage and frequency, but was experiencing discomfort at first, then pain. A couple months ago at 17 months post-op, I had so much pain after a 4-mile run (could never get more than 4 miles a couple times a week without my hip telling me to back off) that I went to see my doctor. He finally admitted my cup angle was not in the target range. My doctor (Pritchett) was very experienced at resurfacing, having done more than 1000 at the time he did mine, but admitted he is not sure of the actual cup angle until after the surgery. There is a lesson here - - that even experienced resurfacing surgeons like yours and mine don't get it right all the time. I would strongly encourage anyone contemplating a resurfacing to discuss with their doctor just how the cup angle will be determined during surgery. My doctor took a sample of my hip joint fluid, said that it showed no evidence of tissue deterioration (he thought that approach was better than blood metal ion levels) and thought it would be better to leave things as is. I think he said he had successfully revised 5 of 7 similar steep cup situations, but I was so stunned at the time I did not know the right questions to ask. I will be getting more info from him.
I am looking for a second opinion now, still do not know what my blood metal levels are, but was already advised by email from Dr. Boyd that a larger cup would be needed (they need to break the bone growth into the back of the cup, etc.). I have seen an article about replacement cups for THR (Elke, Berli and Morscher, "Acetabular revision in total hip replacement with a press-fit cup", Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Nov 2003) , and the bigger cup looks scary large. As far as getting the cup angle right, I note Dr Gross has developed a protocol that has or will be published (see this website 3/15/10) for keeping the angle under 50 degrees. I will be asking my revision surgeon to use that or something else that increases the chances of getting a successful outcome.
The whole reason I got the resurfacing was so I could continue my running, backpacking, active life style, so I am not willing to go THR yet unless absolutely necessary. Please keep this site informed of your progress , and I will do the same.
McCabe 66