Hi Pat,
thanks for your thoughts and good wishes. I too have problems with both my knees and back, plus I have already had a right wrist fusion, and stress fractures in my right foot from my terrible gait so I am well versed with the knock on effects of problems in one part of the body on other areas. My wrist has got much more troublesome since I have been having to use a walking stick all the time (though I have a "shock absorbing one" now with a gel handle that is great!) I am curious if the pain in my worst hip is simply masking pain in the "good" one! I'll find out soon enough I guess!
I am not sure how many resurfacings Prof Richardson has done, other than it is a lot! They are doing atleast one a week in his clinic and he has been doing them for many years now, infact he is rarely actually lead surgeon these days, as he trains other members of his team the technique under his supervision. I will find out the figure for you though. I believe Mr McMinn trained the Prof originally.
I will be happy to write a piece about my experience when it is over, it is certainly interesting to compare how things are handled in different countries and by different surgeons. I feel very lucky to be having this performed "for free" here under the care of the NHS for example.