Hi everyone!
Well, I did it and I am so glad I did!!! I walked in the operating room with bone on bone pain for the last time! I felt as though it was a ritual walk of sorts....shutting down the old life and me and a beginning to a new me and new life, for me. I had a spinal block and I was really worried about that, but that was not painful at all. The next thing I knew I was waking up to them stitching my hip up and no pain at all. I looked up at the light and knew they had actually done my surgery, because I could see blood, and bone stuff on the light! Believe it or not, that felt great to see, because I knew then, that they actually had done my surgery!
I did great that whole day. At 9 pm, I sent my husband home since he had to work Tuesday and so about 8 hours post op, he felt really uneasy about going home, but he had to or no money would be coming in. So I had to urinate after he left and they decided to get me up to stand and use the commode. They got the head of my bed up to a slant when I started to feel really sick to my stomach. She got me a vomit bag, and I continued to get ill as she raised the bed up a bit more. I told the nurse it is more than my stomach, I thought I was going to pass out.....so they said to stay with them, and I was more than pale, I started having pain in my heart, (I knew it was my heart having a hard time trying to pump blood) and all of a sudden there were 12 people in the room, crash cart wheeled in, and things got a bit scary.....my BP was dropping and I was about to crash.
The nurse got my legs above my head as quickly as possible and talked me into keeping with her.....so I did not pass out, but after my feet were up, my BP was taken and it was at 69/24. That was AFTER my feet were above my head for a bit so I can imagine what it was before. I have passed out before 2 times after birthing my children so I knew that feeling of passing out, but this was different due to the heart pain. I am thankful for the quick thinking of the nursing staff and they were definitely attentive to me, before, during and after the surgery! Glad I did not actually need that crash cart, because of the quick thinking of my nurse!!!
Once my legs were higher than my heart, I started to feel less heart pain and started feeling better. They gave me morphine due to the amount of pain and I felt better. The EKG said my heart was strong and fine at that point. What they figured is a reaction to anesthesia. I am a "delayed allergy reactor" to MRI dye and I have a lot of allergic reactions to a lot of meds, so that is probably what happened. Along with, I had a very full bladder, and they just put me through putting my TED socks on and there was a lot of pelvis pain (due to shattered pelvis from previous car accident) that I as having. So put all of it together and it is just another exciting day in the life of me....lol.
I was the talk of the hospital even on the day I went home...."OH, YOU are the ONE from Monday night......well, don't do THAT again".....lol. My nurses were awesome, hospital was awesome and Dr. David Palmer was awesome.....HE is so modest! He changed my life as of that day, and he said well, so far so good.......I said he does not know it, but I am gonna give him a huge hug on my 6 week check up! lol.....It is so huge to be joint-pain free! For 25.6 years I have suffered and this post op pain is nothing in comparison! It is sore and I do have to take it easy and slow, but each day, I feel strength coming in it.
Oh, and Percocet helps too.....I have great dreams that make me laugh so hard, that I wake up laughing! Too fun!!! Pain management and sleep are crucial for me. I have not slept in 25.6 years either and I have been able to sleep, flat on my back, for over 4 hours pain free!!! It is amazing!!!
I am still using a walker, but I am putting total weight on my hip. It is coming along quickly, but I do not want to overdo either. Exercise 2 times per day, and soon to start on my recumbent bike....well, after the two week check up. Exercises were a bitch yesterday, and today, they are a bit easier.....I was singing oh, yes, look at this...as I brought up my leg on the heal scoot exercise easier than yesterday!!! Husband laughed at my enthusiasm. Of course, a bit of my 6 month old grandson, Griffin's smiles and kisses, helps me tons too!!!
I will keep you updated and show some before and after videos when I am up and at it. Thanks everyone for encouragement and positive well wishes! It all helps!! Good luck to anyone who is having surgery!!! It all works out the way it is supposed to!!! Great life ahead!!!
OH.....one thing I noticed on my first walk to PT.....MY LEG IS STRAIGHT!!! It has not been straight since November 1 1984!!!
I will keep you updated......