Great site, it has been a big help finding out how I've been doing, answering questions in my mind, and finding out what comes next!
I was very fit,but played a huge amount of tennis and football. Stunned to hear I had to have hip rsurfacing. Got it done in Newcastle
6 weeks ago. Op went pretty well, and have been walkig without crutches since week 4. Not pushing it too hard though as the opposite
knee is dodgy so am looking at a partial knee replacement, hopefully within the next few weeks. At least it stops me pushing the hip too hard!
I found the hardest part of the whole process was not getting a good sleep at night. Have only just started to sleep through the last three nights
(joy!) previous to that kept having to get up and use an arm chair just to change position. Frustrating. Got my 1st check up in 2 weeks, so fingers crossed.
Once again thanks to all who have taken the trouble to post, its great to know you're not alone!