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I did it in India!
« on: November 12, 2007, 07:01:20 AM »
I went to India to Apollo Hospital and Dr. Vijay Bose was my surgeon.  It turned out my bones were very strong and could take hip resurfacing instead of the hip anthroplasty he had previously suggested.  I am on Day 10 post op and things are going fine.  I'm still in India- spending time at Fisherman's Cove Resort before flying back to the States.  The surgery was successful.  I saw an xray and it looks good.  The doctors also thought so.  I was given some exercises by a team of physiotherapists to strengthen my muscles and relearn walking correctly.  I had severe bone on bone osteoarthritis and walked with a serious limp and was pretty much in constant pain.  I am a performer (theatre, teaching artist and storyteller - whatever) so that was starting to take its toll on me.  I'm not a big meds person so I took no painkillers.  I just did stretches (yoga, pilates and balance ball mostly) everyday to keep going.  I'm into exercise.  Anyway they started me with a walker the day after surgery and about 2 days later I was learning to walk with two elbow crutches.  I've started walking with one crutch plus all of the exercises given me by the physiotherapists at the hospital. The doctor said each person's recovery is different.  The entire experience was very good.  Apollo Hospital has a new Platinum Ward especially for international patients.  We were treated extremely well.  My mother came with me and another bed is provided in the room for a companion. They have to pay for their own food and water however. It was also just interesting to be in India.  In Chennai the traffic was serious and lots of horn beeping.  You do hear the traffic from the room.  I live in New York City so it didn't bother me but the nurses said it did bother other patients.  You have a choice of food from different parts of India as well as continental cuisine.  I love Indian food but overdid it the first week.  The hospital kept close watch on that as well.  I would occasionally have visits from the dietician who was most helpful.  You're not supposed to fly for at least 11 days after surgery so I went to Fisherman's Cove Resort.  The resort is absolutely beautiful - on the Bay of Bengal which empties into the Indian Ocean.  The people here are used to dealing with international clients and are most attentive and friendly.  Plus at the resort there are opportunities for facials and massages and several different kinds of cuisine as well as walks by the pool and on the grounds.  I even ventured up to the Watch Tower which overlooks the beach.  It's quite lovely.  I have no insurance but I do understand there are ways insurance can pay for the procedure.  The entire trip including the surgery costs less than just the surgery alone would cost in the States.  I feel healthy, relaxed and confident my recovery will continue quite smoothly.  After 6 weeks the doctor suggested swimming/water therapy and cycling on a stationary bike - both of which I'm looking into.  I will probably look into some gentle yoga classes as well but we'll see.


Pat Walter

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Re: I did it in India!
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2007, 01:14:28 PM »
Congratulations Joy!  You are a surface hippy and out of pain.  I can imagine how beautiful the Indian Ocean must be.

I will post your story on the Hippy Blogs page and send you your password so you can update it if you choose to.  If not, I will keep it updated for you as you continue to write to us.

So glad to hear you are doing well.  It is great to have a new BHR and a new life without pain.  Enjoy your stay at the Fishermans Cove and I wish you a great flight back.

Good Luck and keep in touch!

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Pat Walter

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Re: I did it in India!
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2007, 01:25:55 PM »
Hello Joy,

Congratulations with your operation. Glad to read that everthing went fine. I resolved to go to Belgium in the end, Dr. Koen de Smet (like Pat), for a bilateral in one go.
Tough recovery in the beginning, especially the first days in the hospital. The days thereafter in the clinic of Dr. De Smet were great, swimming pool as from the fifth day! The operation was on October 16th and now I am already back in Brazil since November 3th. Expect to hang my crutches in the three by next week. Wish you well with your recovery in the resort!
All the best, Jaap

PS: I received this as a personal message and I know Jaap was actually meaning to post to you Joy.
Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: I did it in India!
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2007, 01:29:03 PM »
Welcome to the other side Joy!  Life after resurfacing is wonderful.  Having the experience in India is life changing.  You will find yourself melancholy and missing the people there when you return.  Reading your story brought back wonderful memories to me.  Please say hi to Patrick for me at FC, he is fantastic at taking care of all your needs while you are at the Fisherman's Cove.  Isn't that resort just beautiful!  And SO peaceful and relaxing.  A great place to heal for sure.  Glad your experience was a good one, most people that go to Dr. Bose are very pleased.  If you get a chance also post on the India Surface Hippy site, those that have gone before you there always love to hear from newbies.  Just copy and paste your post from here over there, here is the link





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