Hi Chief
I am sorry if you did not get any answers earlier. I try to make sure no one is ignored, but occasionally miss a post or two. My computer hard drive died and I had to switch to another computer for awhile and missed some things.
I started with hip problems in my early 50s. Use to be very active playing tennis, bike riding, walking, golf, etc They wanted to give me a THR back then. That was 10 years ago. I did not want that and continued fighting the pain. Had the steriod shots, did the chirpractor adjustments, took celebrex- then Vicoden. Finally the only way I could live was to sit in a chair. I could not walk from the Wal Mart parking lot to the store without a lot of pain. I could not sleep at night even with all the high powered meds. Life came to a halt. I decided that I need to get a new hip. Had 4 orths try to give me THRs, but learned about hip resurfacing.
I did not have health insurance since my husbands company went out of business and dropped ours. We had pre existing conditions and could not get any. He went ahead and had a heart attack with a triple bypass costing $104,000. The hospital wrote it off to chairty for us. I could have gotten a free THR - but no Thanks.
I had some credit cards in the drawer and used them to go to Dr. De Smet in Belgium. I would have gone to him even if I had insurance. In March 2006, the FDA had not approved the BHR yet. I choose De Smet because he is very experienced and I was 61, female and had a loss of bone density. Many of the US surgeons would not do me as it still is today. The inexperinced surgeons won't take any chances. The overseas doctors are not taking chances - they just have so much more experience that they know when hip resurfacing will work and when it won't. Dr. De Smet has done over 3000 hip resurfacings now and over 3000 THRs. That's why I choose him plus all the other De Smet hippies did so great and had such easy and quick recoveries most of the time.
So it is really up to you as to when you want to get your hip reusrfaced and get back into life. It depends on how long you want to sit in a chair and do nothing.
You can also wait too long and miss the window of opportunity to have your hips resurfaced if they deteriorate too much.
Who have you choosen to do your surgery? Are you getting your hip done at the same time? Many people like to do that so you have one recovery.
Many of us have siatica problems. We are at the chiropractors a lot. Having a bad hip thows the balance of your whole body off. When my back was out - I had such pain that I had to sit up all night. Add that to the OA pain and I was miserable. I have found out if I keep my back adjusted, I did not have that additional pain. I am now 20 months post and and still have some back problems - but absolutely no hip pain problems.
I hope that helps some.
Stay in touch and let me know if you have more questions. I have started a new section on my website called Frequently Asked Questions
http://www.surfacehippy.info/faq.php You might find a lot of answers there. I have been working on it for days now. Have tons of post from personal replies from doctors that will help people.
Pat - webmaster/owner Surface Hippy