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bending down
« on: August 19, 2010, 01:40:04 PM »
I am 3 weeks post op and doing great. (RBHP Dr.Brooks) Pain is very minimal. Last night I slept for the first time w/o any pain meds which I was taking mainly to battle my distaste for sleeping on my back all night. I can even lie on the surgical side now but would still rather not.
Walking nicely w/ one or two crutches. My only real concern is about the one exercise I flat out cannot perform, that being the one that requires I draw my knee up all the way into my chest. I should say that at 56 YOA I have always been the worlds least flexible guy, am a good 50lbs overweight with front porch to match and have had arthritis most everywhere now for about 15 years – so I am not expecting to do this anyway, but this same motion is critical to putting on socks, pulling up pants etc. and I just can’t do it whereas before my surgery I could, albeit with some pain.

When I try this motion the pain I feel seems to originate directly from the joint. My  Xray looks perfect. So I don’t believe it has anything to do with bad placement. Dr. Brooks had done over 700 of these when he took me on and was satisfied with the job he did. Phil, his assistant is not concerned either.

So, is the this the last ROM that we get back? My lateral motion is great and I can flex the knee really well.  I’d like to hear from people who have had the same problem.


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Re: bending down
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2010, 07:33:46 PM »
Consider if you will the fact that arthritis had restricted your rom for, what, years? Same with me. I have great rom on the non operated side but now after 3 months post op I am only slightly better than pre op when it comes to putting on my shoe and sock on the operated side. I could always do it and still can but it is getting slightly better now.

I think it is not so much the joint as it is the associated muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc that were not used to the extremes that they should have been due to arthritis. Also consider that you just had major surgery in that area and they cut things that have to heal. Now it will take you some time to regain this movement but if you work at it it should at least get better. 3 weeks is not long at all.
Right BHR by Dr. Clarke  5-19-10

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Re: bending down
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2010, 03:16:56 AM »
Regarding pulling your knee to your chest.  I am just starting my 4th week.  I had bilateral (the twins) with Dr DeSmet.  When I was in the ANCA Medical Center in Ghent Belgium and getting PT daily I asked the therapist how I would know a good therapist when I got home.  She said if the therapist tried to get me to bring my knee to my chest that I should just get up and walk away.  My impression is that 3 weeks is too early to be making that type of movement.  I can walk fine and lying down is fine but sitting now that is tough.  I am of the opinion that you really need to take it easy for awhile and let your body heal.  In a recent communication with Dr DeSmet he commented that we need to remember that rest is for healing too.  The great think about the ANCA Center and Villa is that you learn the PT movements and the aqua therapy movements real well and just keeping to the same regiment actually works.  Just my experience and opinion.


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Re: bending down
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2010, 06:40:06 AM »

I am 3 weeks post op and doing great. ... that requires I draw my knee up all the way into my chest.

Don't even think about it! You are not meant to do that. Six weeks before you attempt to go past ninety degrees. No wonder you feel pain.

I am just starting my 4th week.  I had bilateral (the twins) with Dr DeSmet.  When I was in the ANCA Medical Center in Ghent Belgium and getting PT daily I asked the therapist how I would know a good therapist when I got home.  She said if the therapist tried to get me to bring my knee to my chest that I should just get up and walk away.

In my opinion, you cannot beat the physiotherapists at Gent. I was just there. At some stage I am going to write about the hydrotherapy they do there.

Silvercat, is that you? I was due to fly on Wednesday, and my buttock swelled up till I could not sit down and I missed my flight. I will try again in a few days. Sorry I have not e-mailed you the last few days. Wait till I get home then I will write.

Got to agree with Silvercat, take it easy.


Proud To Be Dr. De Smet's First Uncemented Conserve Plus, Left, August 2010



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