I am coming to grips with the fact that hip surgery will be required. I am 54, active with osteoarthritis in my left hip.. Biking exercise and stretching only go so far when there is no cartilage left ( Possibly from bicycling accident many years ago . I always thought it was groin pull that never healed properly.)
I have gone to 2 specialists, one at NYU and the other at Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC. Both have independently said that total hip replacement will be required at some point when I am ready.( which appears to be approaching). I recently heard about the Birmingham Hip resurfacing. I have an appointment to see another specialist at HSS about this towards the end of the month. His name is DR. Friedrick Boettner. Patients at Vitalsigns.com that used him for surgery gave him high marks. I am curious if anyone on this site has used him or heard of him,
The thought of the surgery to be honest scares the hell out of me, but I am coming to grips with the fact that it is quality of life choice right now.. I have 2 kids, ages 9 and 12 that I want to be able to be more active with.
Any thoughts, comments would be greatly appreciated. Consider me a "newbie" to the site.