Hiya all, I had my hip resurfaced in September of 2007. I was fine for about 1 year or a little longer. I then started doing treadmill, and elliptical. After about 1 month, I started hurting so bad I couldnt do the treadmill anymore and the elliptical was painful. So to make a long story short, the implant came loose on top of my femur and was moving around giving me tons of pain. I basically limped worse and had to use a cane at work just like before the surgery. So what I had to do was get total hip replacement. I contacted Dr. Gross and several other surgeons, they told me before they knew which was loose, if it was my cup in my acetabulum, I could get another cup no problem. If they went in and found it was the cap on my femur I would need a total hip anyway. Also the doctor said NEVER to do the treadmill. Well the recovery is about the same, but I'm having swelling problems ever after 8 weeks. It also feels like I have to "crack" my hip, feels almost loose inside, anyway I guess the moral of the story is whether resurfaced or replaced it all sucks and we all have problems I just hope this surgery lasts longer than 3 years, I had my replacemtn surgry July 5th 2010.