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Dr Joel Matta and Dr Sonny Bal
« on: November 19, 2007, 02:51:27 PM »
In my lastest research regarding hip resurfacing doctors, I have come accross Dr Joel Matta at the Hip and Pelvis Institute in Los Angeles and Dr Sonny Bal in Missouri. From my reading, apparently these two doctors are pioneers in the miminally invasive anterior approach to hip resurfacing. It apprears to be quite a new approach so not sure if anyone has any information about the doctors or has had any experience with them.  The  idea of an anterior minimally invasive approach for preserving the muscles is quite appealing but since it is a new technique,  I am trying to get as much info about it as possible. Anyone with info about the doctors or the new approach, please let me know..

Pat Walter

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Re: Dr Joel Matta and Dr Sonny Bal
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2007, 03:01:34 PM »
Hi Keith

The anterior approach for hip resurfacing is not used by many of the really experienced surgeons.  Personally, knowing all I know from reading for 3 years and going to Dr. De Smet of Belgium who has done over 3000 hip resurfacings, I would do a lot of thinking about trying out a new procedure. 

There is much more possiblity for nerve damage from the anterior approach. Doctors like McMinn over 4000 hip resurfs, Treacy over 4000 hip resurfs, De Smet over 3000 hip resurfs and Bose over 1000 hip resurfs all use the posterior and have no thought about changing. Their results are fantastic with the posterior and their patients heal quickly.

I was on 1 crutch at 4 days and no crutches at 4 weeks.  I took nothing but advil 2 1/2 days after surgery when I left the hospital. No need for heavy pain meds.  I had almost a 10" incision, but it makes no difference on how quickly you heal.  Dr. De Smet uses a long incision so he can get in and out quickly. Also so he can see what he is doing. His surgeries take about 45 minutes. That is the reason, according to him, that you recover so well.  Short time under anasthesia and he donesn't have to push and pull on things in the way.  He as some of the best surgical technique of doctors all over the world. That is why most of his patients heal quickly and have no swelling or bruising.  I know - I have been there and done that.

Here are a page with 8 doctors explaination of why they use the posterior or anterior approach. You should take some time and read ithttp://www.surfacehippy.info/faqsurgicalapproach.php

It is much better to get the facts from the doctors than surface hippies like me.  I am not medically trained and only go by what happened to me and many others that I have read about.

I hope that helps.

Pat Owner/Webmaster Surface Hippy
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Re: Dr Joel Matta and Dr Sonny Bal
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2007, 09:42:38 PM »
Hi Pat,
  Thanks again for the links to the information. I read it and can assure you that I will be checking out all this information since as you know, surgical techniques are constantly changing.  In the recent article I have excerpted below, it appears that Dr Bal and Dr Matta think they have found a better techinique.  Whether they have or not of course only time will tell however I will do my best to find out what I can about their new minimally invasive approach in the coming months.  Note that they mentioned at the end of the article that eventually they hope to develop it to the point of being a same day surgery.  Wouldn't that be great ????    (-: If anyone knows any more about this new technique or has talked to either of the Doctors about it, please let me know.

Here is the article:

The new technique developed by Dr Bal and Dr Matta is the first of its kind in the United States and allows hip resurfacing through a small incision that spares muscles and tendons, and conserves bone. In addition, instead of using a high-tech guidance system to position implants, Bal has developed a simple and reliable method to achieve perfect component alignment each time the procedure is performed.

“Minimally invasive hip resurfacing is a new concept,” said Bal. “In conjunction with Dr. Matta, we have developed a brand-new technique here at University of Missouri Health Care. This is a new operation that minimizes soft tissue trauma, and for the first time allows the precise placement of implant components during hip resurfacing through a much less invasive method.”

Bal and his colleagues are able to properly align the joint before surgery by placing a small pin through a tiny hole in the hip joint. The perfect positioning of the pin is then verified through an X-ray. A small incision approximately three to four inches long in the front, or anterior, part of the thigh allows the surgeon access to the ball of the femur in between the muscles. In standard hip resurfacing, the muscles must be cut or detached to accomplish the same result. 

“Component placement during hip resurfacing is critical for proper mobility and the longevity of the new joint,” said Bal. “Our technique is a simple, fail-safe method that removes all high-tech guidance systems from the equation and allows for perfect alignment every time.”

Traditional hip resurfacing procedures require a 10-to-12 inch-long cut on the side of the thigh to enter the hip joint so that the surgeon can resurface the ball of the femur and the cup-shaped socket of the pelvic bone. This operation is a popular alternative to hip replacement and may be useful for younger and active patients.

With his new approach, Bal is able to spare all hip muscles and tendons, make a smaller incision, reduce blood loss and dramatically improve recovery.

“Patient recovery with minimally invasive hip resurfacing is substantially different and faster compared to the traditional technique,” said Bal. “The traditional method involves major trauma to the muscles and tendons, and the recovery is thereby prolonged. With minimally invasive hip resurfacing, we can avoid this trauma, reduce blood loss and accelerate recovery.”

Bal expects to continue the development of this new method of surgery to the point where hip resurfacing is a same-day operation, or at most will require only a one-day hospital stay.

Pat Walter

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Re: Dr Joel Matta and Dr Sonny Bal
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2007, 11:13:15 PM »
Hi Keith

Thanks for sharing.  I am sure that there will always be more than one way to skin a cat or resurface a hip! 

Please keep us informed as you learn more.  I hope, if you choose to use one of the doctors with these newer techniques, you will write a story about your experience.

Have a nice Thanksgiving!

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Re: Dr Joel Matta and Dr Sonny Bal
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2008, 06:50:29 PM »
I had a fair amount of communication with Dr. Bal 8/07, at which point he had done 4. He is a really interesting guy who is full of passion and very honest. Worth watching, but my husband needed surgery sooner than we would have been comfortable.

Pat Walter

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Re: Dr Joel Matta and Dr Sonny Bal
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2008, 07:19:17 PM »
thanks for the information.  I apprecaite you taking time to share.

I won't put Dr. Bal on my doctors list quite yet.  I will wait until he gets a few more under his belt.  Who knows, he might be one of the premier hip resurfacing surgeons in the US in the future.  We have to wait to see how the doctors develop.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Dr Joel Matta and Dr Sonny Bal
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2008, 12:24:55 AM »
 Hi.....I have a dancer friend that had Joel Matta for anterior THR and he was very happy with him.  He is very experienced in anterior hip replacement and
people who have had him as a surgeon go back.  I do not think he is is doing anterior hip RESURFACES though.  He has brought on board Dr. Andrew Yun who
is young and has credentials up the ying yang.....he just is young so how many resurfaces he has done I am not sure. Also he does anteiror hip replacements
but i would find out if he does the resurface from the anterior position....i think unitl he is more experienced, he will probably use the posterior approach.

Call and  ask......

Conserve +
Amstutz 8/29/06



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