Happy news! I am doing well. Dr. Su and his new PA very pleased at my ROM so far, xrays showed good placement. We compared before and after, the nasty bone on bone. Apparently we did the surgery at a good time before even more damage could be done. Looked at the left side while we were at it and that side is fine. No resurfacing in the near future. It rained yesterday so I went on one crutch rather than cane. Dr. Su says that I can start walking unaided though to me it seems like I'm walking the walk of a drunk who is trying to hide it. I still have the sensation of the operated leg being a tad longer than the other and find I don't seem to be able to walk a straight line. Next appointment in 2 months.
I can already do some of the new exercises they showed me and reminded me that if it hurts cut back. I can put stuff on the scar to reduce appearance, and need to psch myself for the scar tissue stretching that will begin next week. I went though this with the two small ports after arthoscopic surgery that we tried first and I thought that was unpleasant. One more visit with home PT to close out the case then back to the PT I was going to that understands my back issues.
I got the surgical report so now know my size - head 44, cup 50 BHR. I also read through all the details of what muscles and tendons were cut or "bluntly separated". No wonder my butt still hurts, lol.
I'm feeling good about my daughter's wedding on Saturday. I'm going to pick up a matching cane for my dress today.