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Dr Zelicoff
« on: December 10, 2007, 06:52:28 PM »
5 days post op. Dr. zelicoff did my sugery at Westchester Med. in NY. I'm a bar stool at my computer and not good with this thing. I have some Questions and need some ans.  Things went real well and that bothers me. All was better then expected.I will answer ques. also. Can some one tell me if A person would know if the hip was out if still on crutches. Also when can i put full weight onit. Without fear of popping it out. No pt as yet. Just got home yesterday.
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« Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 09:56:35 PM by Pat Walter »

Pat Walter

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Re: Dr Zelicoff
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2007, 04:51:04 PM »
Hi Ronnie

Congratulations on your new hip.

One thing I can tell you - you would be in the most terrible pain your could imagine if your hip was dislocated or there was a problem.  Several people I have talked to went thru that - the pain is unbelievable.

So don't worry about your hip being dislocated.  Many people have a clunking feeling or looseness in the newly operated hip. That is because your muscles are still very loose after surgery.

Normally, you should have a quick and easy recovery.  I was on no meds after I left the hospital at 2 1/2 days other than some Advil for muscle sorness.

You should ask your doctor his protocol for weight bearing.  Most doctors are 100% weight bearing right after surgery. Of course,you can't do that, but you can quickly start putting quite a bit of weight on the operated leg if the doctors has OKd it.  Maybe you had some special problems.

You won't dislocate a leg by standing on it - the physics of it all means that is actually holding it together.  The femur ball is pushing up into the acetabular cup in your hip. 

If you are not sure about weight bearn, please call your doctors office and ask.  He/she is the only one that can tell you for your own situation.

Also ask about PT.  The pt used is not very strenious. This is the typical PT used  http://www.hipsforyou.com/exercisespostop.php  My PT in Belgium was started 2 days post op.  Some doctors use a lot of pt and others dont. Some people just started living their normal lives as their hip allowed it.  Most doctors agree that walking is one of the best exercises you can do.  It took me about 5 days post op before they let me go sight seeing in Belgium. By about day 10 post op I was able to walk about 3/4 mile with one crutch.

Most people are told to do a lot of walking.  It helps the bone to heal and grow around the hip.

Do you have the 90 degree rule? That is when you could most likley dislocate your hip if you do an action that pulled your hip toward your chest. Normally, you are not supposed to do that, or cross your legs and use a pillow between your legs with sleeping on your side to prevent dislocation.

Good Luck and keep in touch.
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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Dr Zelicoff
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2007, 08:00:44 AM »
Thanks Pat just getting a reply from you was great.  To hear some answers from a person who went through this already was reassuring.  If you have any questions or if I can help anyone in anyway, feel free to contact me.  Thank you Ronnie



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