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Elaine Y.

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Nickel Allergy
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:38:10 PM »
Hi, I am scheduled for hip resurfacing surgery in January with Dr. Eugene Lopez of Midwest Sports, Elk Grove Village, IL. I am debating on whether to be tested for nickel allergy. I cannot wear cheap jewelry and have to wear nickel free earrings. Has anyone had a hip resurfacing done with a nickel allergy? If so, were you tested for nickel allergy. Just wondering. Don't want to do the test if not needed. I'll be having the Birmingham Implant. Thanks, Elaine

Pat Walter

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Re: Nickel Allergy
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2007, 08:31:09 PM »
Hi Elaine

You should really ask your doctor about the metal allergy and whether you should have a test.  Normally, people with metal allergies are not bothered by the metal in the BHR because it is deep in the body. Here is Dr. Bose explanation  http://www.surfacehippy.info/pcskinallergies.php

There is some concern from a few doctors like De Smet and McMinn about allergies developing several years post op.  Dr. De Smet seems to think that happens to about 1 in 500 cases.  THere are no studies supporting his idea.  There are some new studies starting to look into the possible situation. You can read about 2 cases here that developed about 2 years post op  http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipresurfacingproblems.php

Many of us didn't think it a problem and had our hip resurfacing, even some with skin metal allergies.

I really think it is an issue that you should take up with your doctor. None of us are medically trained or are doctors here.  Any time you have serious questions, you should always consult your doctor.  We love to hear about what your doctor would have to say since that is how we all learn. However, information like that is not for making medical decisions.

Do you know how many hip resurfacings your doctor has done to date?  I have not heard of him and would consider adding him to my list if he is expereinced. I would also like to have a small story about your resurfacing if possible. That is the best way for people to learn about the new hip resurfacing doctors.

Good Luck and keep in touch.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Elaine Y.

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Re: Nickel Allergy
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2007, 11:46:33 AM »
Hi Pat,
Actually, Dr. Lopez is kind of on your site... Ads by Google, on the right side in blue. Midwest Sports. I went to Dr. Lopez after talking with Dr. Kuesis. I wrote about Dr. Kuesis earlier asking you if you had any info on him. Actually, Dr. Lopez was recommended to me by a good friend who is a nurse and she said he is one of the best orthopedic MD's in our area (Chicagoland). He is very nice. When I asked him about the nickel allergy, he was of the opinion that it probably would not be an issue, but since I had already called Rush University at the direction of Dr. Kuesis and got a kit to have my blood tested, Dr. Lopez said to call his office when I got the kit.

I did call his office and they told me to call Rush and ask the accuracy ratio; how many false positive tests, what's the methodology. After calling Rush, I was told this is a research study. They will do the testing and use it for research. They give the results to my MD and then we should discuss the results and decide from there. However, there is a disclaimer in the packet of information that states: "Lymphocyte transformation testing (LLT) for metals has not been well established for the diagnosis of implant allergy. Thus these results are NOT intended for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, or the assessment of the health of, human beings. A negative result for metal hypersensitivity does not necessarily prove that metal hypersensitivity does exist; a positive result does not necessarily prove its presence. It is uncertain to what extent metal hypersensitivity mediates the pathogenesis of implant failure or other adverse reactions following total joint arthroplasty."

The test will cost me $250 and with that disclaimer has me thinking.... It really will not tell me one way or another if the implant will cause me problems. It will probably just confirm that I have a sensitivity to nickel. So, that is my dilemma.

I was just wondering if anyone that has had the BHR hip resurfacing implant had it done prior to knowing about the metal sensitivity and has a nickel allergy/sensitivity.

I will also look on the other links you gave me. And, I did read the one that was posted before on your web site. Thanks for all your help, and I will most certainly let you know how my surgery turns out. I am scheduled for 1/22/08 at Alexian Brothers Hospital in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, under Dr. Eugene Lopez of Midwest Sports.

If I can, I'll ask him if he will give me any pictures..... thanks for all your help.. Elaine

Pat Walter

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Re: Nickel Allergy
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2007, 08:18:18 PM »
Sounds like he is a very concerned and common sense doctor. That is always good.  If you get to ask him, find out how many hip resurfacings he has done to date, when and where he trained.  Then I can list him on my website.  I always post that info about the new doctors.

Good Luck with your upcoming surgery. Hopefully, as with most of us, things will work out fine.  Everyone worries and worries before surgery about allergies, infections, will I really get a hip resurfacing, etc.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Elaine Y.

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Re: Nickel Allergy
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2008, 02:25:32 PM »
Hello -- I did have the lymphocite in vitro metal sensitivity test performed by the Orthopedic Analysis, Nadim J. Hallab, Ph.D. It came back as "Proliferation assays of lymphocytes expose to implant metals indicated a mild degree of reactivity to Cobalt, Iron, and high reactivity to Nickel." However, as I reported before, there is a disclaimer at the bottom saying that this test has not be approved for diagnostic purposes by any institution or government agency.

I talked with my physician, Dr. Eugene Lopez, of Midwest Sports Medicine. He told me that the orthopedic community is 50/50 on this topic, as anyone who has researched this will know. There is no clear-cut answer, yes or no, that if you have a skin allergy to metal that you will have a problem with a metal implant. After discussing with Dr. Lopez and doing much research on this, and reading from this site, I have decided to go ahead with the hip resurfacing using the BHR. Dr. Lopez was trained by Dr. Ronan Treacy in Birmingham, England. Dr. Lopez has done 50 resurfacing since being trained. He told me he expects by year's end to have done 100 or more. My surgery is scheduled for January 22, 2008. I will be keeping you all informed of my progress. I'm hoping Dr. Lopez will be taking pictures or video that I may be able to share on the site.

Dr. Eugene Lopez would also like to be added on your site as physician's in Illinois performing the BHR. Please visit his web site www.midwestsportsmed.com or you may call his office to gather further information at 847-437-9889.

Thanks for all the information on this web site -- will be keeping you informed of my story... Elaine  :)



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