Wow. I was allowed to be full weight-bearing right away! Is there some reason why you two guys can't? Did you have an extra 'problem'? I had my left hip done (I was his 30th or so) 9-17-07. I was walking (without a limp) at 4 weeks post-op without any assistance. I was driving at 2 weeks, but again it was my LEFT hip, so my leg didn't have any 'duties' while driving. I, too, had most of my pain/swelling in my butt. I, too, was very active before surgery. I would usually jog 3 miles a day, until May when I no longer could do to pain. I had lots of bruising on my calf area, so I assume dislocating my hip was difficult!! Not to mention the layers of muscles that had to be sewn together after. That alone causes swelling. So icing it was a big help. My doctor is conservative about the 90 degree issue, too. I had to be cautious for the first 6 weeks, then I was allowed to do any activity except jump/run.

BUT, the new data states that you can resume high impact activities at 6 months post-op rather than the old time table of 12 months. My doctor goes to lots of 'updates' regarding the BHR. He is the only surgeon in the area (here in northern IL) that does the procedure. I TRUST him!! I know everyone says don't have someone who hasn't done at least 100 hips, but when you only have one option, you have to go for it. I also have known this doctor for years prior. Their whole group is amazing. AND I talked with his 3rd and 6th 'hip' patients. They are both over a year post-op and doing great!!
I'm really surprised that both of your doctors don't allow full weight-bearing.