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4 Weeks Post Op Swelling
« on: January 13, 2008, 10:24:17 PM »
I'm almost 4 weeks post op with Birmingham Method
I used your site before surgery to learn more about what to expect and appreciated the information. As far as recovery goes, swelling is gradually going down but from reading your post Pat I guess that is a gradual process and at least I don't have arthritis pain anymore. About a week ago I could have carried a food tray on the shelf of my butt but it's much less now. What I notice that seems to be different about my physician's recommendations is that I am on "toe touch" weight bearing only and no bending past 90 degrees at the hip (the little grabber and sock puller are my friends) till I go back for x-ray end of this month. I'm being pretty religious about it- using a walker, getting out a bit to, as my wife says, blow the stink off me. Doing the dozen puny exercises three times a day and more and I'm icing my butt still which I got from your site. I found it interssting in one post that you said maybe there's more swelling with people who are in shape before surgery because maybe it's harder to dislocate the hip and get in there to do the work. I was in good shape before surgery- doubled up on my elliptical training two months before to be in good shape for surgery and recovery. Maybe I should have sat around drinking beer instead. hah hah. My butt is numb which I figure is normal. I'm using Traumeel cream for swelling and internally I'm taking arnica. I was off pain meds after two weeks. I guess that's about it. Thanks for the site. I don't think I would have had this surgery without a friend telling me to go to this site and I'm real hopeful that I will be a functional human being again within a year or so. Thank god for sick leave from work.

Pat Walter

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Re: 4 Weeks Post Op Swelling
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2008, 11:05:08 PM »
Hi John
Welcome to Hip Talk.  Congratulations on your new hip.

Who was your surgeon and where do you live?

We all heal at a different rate.  There seems to be little to predict our recoveries.

Was your surgery special that you can only have toe touch at 4 weeks?

I was on one crutch full weight bearing at 4 days - no crutch at 4 weeks.  I was walking 1 1/2 miles a day or more at that point.  So I have no way of understanding your recovery other than your story about it.

I never used ice or had any swelling, but I know many people do.  I still guess it is the way the surgoen has to dislocate the joint.

I do hope that you will soon be recovering.  Why are you still on a walker? Did you have a special problem? 

I watched the 90 degree rule for 6 weeks - I think, but it was not a bother. I just bent down with my operated leg in back of me using my crutch or something to hold on to to get to the floor.  With 16 dogs to take care of - I was bending all the time when I returned from Belgium 10 days post op. 

I can only say that your doctor must have a reason to have you so restricted, especially at 4 weeks.  I was forgetting my crutch even several weeks after surgery.  I would get up at night and leave it in the bathroom - find it in the morning.  I was able to be 100% weight bearing and had no pain or problems walking on the operated leg.

I think you will be very happy once you can get over the recovery period.  It just takes time and there are no short cuts.

I did not do any fancy PT.  I did not have to take any after I left Belgium.  I tried when I got home, but they only kept me 3 sessions since they did not know what to do with me.  They were use to people with THRs. I was so far ahead they did not want to keep me.  So I just walked and walked.  1 - 2 miles a day.

Keep the faith - you will be up and running shortly.  I wish you the very best.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: 4 Weeks Post Op Swelling
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2008, 11:33:22 AM »
Thanks for your reply Pat, I called my surgeon, Dr. Iwersen here in Kalispell MT and he said he just likes to be conservative and that's the way he does it. I think I was like the 20th BHR he's done. I know you suggest having them do about 50-100 of the things before you go with a surgeon but I'm happy with him and talked with several of his patients and they're doing well. He'd recently gone to the hip conference back east too so he was current at least. So I guess I'll keep on with what he says about toe touch but I am giving it a bit more weight today once I realized that maybe I could put some weight on it and not pop the damn thing out. Thanks for your input.

Pat Walter

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Re: 4 Weeks Post Op Swelling
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2008, 12:34:36 PM »
Hi John

It is always best to listen to your doctor.

Not everyone can or wants to use the really experienced doctors.  After all, they have to earn their experience with patients.  I am always hopeful that they are extra careful in the begining - which most are.

Dr. Rubinstein talks about his first hundred here http://www.surfacehippy.info/firsthundred.php  It is interesting to read an article from a doctors point of view.

I certianly wish you continued luck.  You can't pop it out very easily standing on it because it is an inverted cap and cup.  The cup holding the cap in place along with all your weak muscles. The way you would dislocate it is breaking the 90 degree rule or crossing your legs. 

4 weeks post -op has really given your hip a lot of time to start healing.  As I said I was without a crutch at 4 weeks and walking over a mile a day. Your hip has healed in the same way - so I would follow your doctors orders - but stop worrying about hurting your new hip.

I guess you should be glad he is conservative - he along with many other newer surgeons, just don't want any post-op problems or failures.

Keep in touch.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: 4 Weeks Post Op Swelling
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2008, 01:27:03 PM »
Thanks for your thoughts and support Pat, I'll keep in touch.



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Re: 4 Weeks Post Op Swelling
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2008, 03:58:22 PM »
Hi John
            My Doctor was very concervative also. Toe touch no full weight bearing till 6 weeks. 1/16/08 will be six weeks. I seen my Doctor in N.Y. Doctor Zelicof he has done about 100 bhr's. I had swelling in the first week but i put my leg up and it went away. New xrays shows a ok. Full weight i'm walking with no cane or anything. I did what you did exercise and all 3 months early and i believe it paid off big time. The only thing is he doese not want me to go too far past 90 degree or go to my knees just yet. any quest. feel free to ask.


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Re: 4 Weeks Post Op Swelling
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2008, 11:02:39 PM »
Hi Ronnie,

Thanks for the feedback. I figure I can make it two more weeks and stay conservative with the weight bearing. My swelling has gone down for the most part. I've never had any surgery before so I'm experiencing what seems to be numbness in the incision area where I figure nerves must have been cut to get in there and work on it. I figured I wouldn't be going to 90 degrees or my knees for awhile. I'm getting damn good with that grabber tool. Do you still use a sock puller? Congrats on the xray. I'll have mine on the 28th but it seems good in there from what I feel. I miss working out as much as I used to- helped with mood a lot. This site is something else- great service for people. Did you find it hard to just do toe touch? Did you use a walker or crutches? I find that as I feel better I catch myself putting more than toe touch on it when I'm standing there brushing my teeth or something.Thanks again.


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Re: 4 Weeks Post Op Swelling
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2008, 11:50:59 AM »
Hi John
           I was told to toe touch but to be honest i put 70-30% when not useing my crutches. When i walked with the crutches i went heal to toe but kept 50% of the weight off. I can't believe how fast walking is comming back it is only the 2nd day full weight. You won't believe it. Well i a'm going to one of those love resorts for my 50th birthday today. I will be walking in. Be back on Friday
                                    Good luck


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Re: 4 Weeks Post Op Swelling
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2008, 09:38:24 AM »
Wow.  I was allowed to be full weight-bearing right away!  Is there some reason why you two guys can't?  Did you have an extra 'problem'?  I had my left hip done (I was his 30th or so) 9-17-07.  I was walking (without a limp) at 4 weeks post-op without any assistance.  I was driving at 2 weeks, but again it was my LEFT hip, so my leg didn't have any 'duties' while driving.  I, too, had most of my pain/swelling in my butt.  I, too, was very active before surgery.  I would usually jog 3 miles a day, until May when I no longer could do to pain.  I had lots of bruising on my calf area, so I assume dislocating my hip was difficult!!  Not to mention the layers of muscles that had to be sewn together after.  That alone causes swelling.  So icing it was a big help.  My doctor is conservative about the 90 degree issue, too.  I had to be cautious for the first 6 weeks, then I was allowed to do any activity except jump/run.   :'(   BUT, the new data states that you can resume high impact activities at 6 months post-op rather than the old time table of 12 months.  My doctor goes to lots of 'updates' regarding the BHR.  He is the only surgeon in the area (here in northern IL) that does the procedure.  I TRUST him!!  I know everyone says don't have someone who hasn't done at least 100 hips, but when you only have one option, you have to go for it.  I also have known this doctor for years prior.  Their whole group is amazing.  AND I talked with his 3rd and 6th 'hip' patients.  They are both over a year post-op and doing great!! 

I'm really surprised that both of your doctors don't allow full weight-bearing.   :-\ :-\ 



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Re: 4 Weeks Post Op Swelling
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2008, 01:45:58 PM »
Nope, no extra problems. I asked my Doc and he said that's just the way he likes to do it. It appears to have worked well for me. I'm full weight bearing, good range of motionand feel good. Only consequence of being off that leg for so long was that my calf muscle and tendon ion the bottom of my foot were real surprised to be called back into action at first. I'm back to using the elliptical machine and doing PT exercises. Looking forward to getting the other hip done next year. I don't know how these guys do a bilateral!



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