Heya Folks,
I went in on the Thursday 10th January and was the second down going to theatre at 10.30am. I spoke to Dr. Treacy in the anesthetic room and they had two cups on standby, one with two extra mounting screws for shallow hips and the normal one. I did joke if he'd had a nice round of golf on the 12th Dec (when my first operation date was cancelled) he said he had been skiing instead. He is a really down to earth nice bloke and makes you feel at ease. He was off to Canada the following week to operate there and had done sixteen in the few days before I had gone in.
I came around about 12.30 in the recovery room and felt quite good. I'd had an injection in the spine in surgery so my legs where very numb and stiff but I could just about wriggle my toes about a bit. Dr Treacy came in to see me briefly when I woke and I thanked him, he told me they had used the normal BHR cup and not the Dysplasia Cup so instead of been on sticks I would be on elbow crutches for around three weeks. They took me up to the ward and a had a nice cup of tea. They didnt get around to getting me some toast but I felt a bit nauseous so didnt have any.
The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. I hadnt had a drain fitted so my dressing had to be changed twice. I saw my folks and girlfriend later in the day and had some lunch and light tea. I was in quite some pain by the early evening but hadnt used the "magic wand" which is what they called the self dispensed morphine which you are plugged into. I tried regurlarly pressing it but it didnt seem to make much difference. It allows you to have a dose every five minutes so in the end thats how often I pressed it. It started to make me sleep and feel a bit better but by the evening it made me sick and when they realised I'd been abusing it a bit too much it was taken off me. I felt great at the time though couldn't hold much of a conversation, it was like having a bottle of whiskey. They sorted me out changed my dressing, me and the bed and I'd gone very cold but they where great at getting me through it.
The next day they wherre going to leave me in bed but I wanted to get up to pass water. It wasn't a good day and just before bladder scanned I managed to sort things out. It had taken most of the day and I felf very drained, uncomfortable and tired.
I slept ok first the few night and was very lucky to have had a room to myself with shower and toilet especially after been in there nearly two hours. I think passing water and the failing to do so made me feel worse then the actual operation.
I got up on the Saturday and managed a shower sat on a stool and it was fantastic. It was and probably will be the best shower I have ever had. I pottered about the room a bit and saw my visitors. They took me for an Xray which will be my reference one for the future now after the surgery. Sunday I got my elbow crutches and was released late Sunday afternoon with the ROCS scheme. The Royal Orthopeadic Hospital use this scheme to then visit you at home everyday till you are discharged from the hospitals care when they are happy you are ok.
Today is Wednesday and I've been home a few days feeling a bit flustrated about not been able to do things and even having a wash is hard work but I have not constant pain in the joint and though my movement is restricted due to the muscles repairing themselves my joint movement is fantastic. I have had problems since I have been five and I'm now thirty five so this has been a major part of my life and a big concern for a long time. I'm looking forward to taking up cycling again when I can do so but I dont in anyway want to rush things so it happens when it does. I shall have a little walk around the garden tomorrow and may go out for lunch if my girlfriend drives me up the road.
My sleeping isnt great and I'm waking a lot in the night but I'm still six days post op so theres a long way to go yet.
Steve Ricketts - LBHR 10 Jan 08 Dr Treacy - Royal Orthopeadic Hospital Birmingham UK