HDx2, Guy, (apologies in advance for a lengthy post)
Great to hear from hear from you, thanks for asking about me.
Following my post op July update where my achilles was reconstructed using the scar tissue all was going well over August. I returned to work(teacher) first week in September for the start of term, mobile on crutches and in a Vacoped boot. Unfortunately, after 2 days leg was very red swollen and sore, in my true idiotic style I didn't take heed of the signs, I guess I didn't want to let my colleagues or students down and so continued to teach. Anyway by the end of the week I was back in hospital leg resembling elephantitis (maybe I should post some pic's if there's the interest and Pat's approves)-it was actually severe Cellulitis! I/V antibiotics, special potassium baths, creams etc and fortunately things improved but this was a major setback which put me back a couple of months. Cellulitis is pretty horrendous particularly when it affects post op healing tissue1
Anyway, fast forward to now-6 months post op. I am able to walk normally(very swiftly) without a limp, I've been back on the exercise bike for past 2 months and now that the wound has been healed for a month I'm ready for swimming. Still have quite a lot of stiffness, mainly start up stiffness and internal inflamation (some of which remnants of Cellulitis), ROM slowly but surely improving. My surgeons (orthopaedic and plastic) are amazed by my recovery and put it down to my determination and desire to continue with sport. They indicate that it will take 18 months for the maximum recovery I'm likely to achieve.
So all in all, to use the old British phrase-mustn't grumble. This time last year I was hoping to be able to walk again-now my future goal is to be able to achieve a jog (I'll never see 6 or 7 minute mile pace again-I'd be grateful for 10 even slower but would love to experience something resembling slow running). Hence, I've been pretty lucky I guess.
BTW today is the 3rd anniversary of my HR and throughout all this with huge periods of immobility the hip has been great!
ps How's your progress? Where are you at re-sport?