Welcome to Hip Talk. I split your post so you had your own heading. People can read your questions better that way.
You are very young and I hope you are able to have a hip resurfacing. You hsould not be shy about asking your doctor questions. Here is the list many people use
http://www.surfacehippy.info/questionsfordoctor.php A doctor should be patient and polite to address all of your concerns. I would call the office and ask how many hip resurfacings the doctor has done to date and any other quesitons that linger in your mind.
You will feel better with all your questions answered. You are lucky that Texas is starting to have quite a few experienced hip resurfacing surgeons
http://www.surfacehippy.info/listofdoctors.php#TexasI assume your doctor is talking about a MOM metal on metal THR. You should make sure you are going to get the large ball metal on metal or ceramic on ceramic hip. You would not want the old fashioned plastic/metal small ball thr. They dislocate very easily. Here is information about the newer types of THRs on my sister website
http://www.hipsforyou.com/hipdevicearticles.php You do want to make sure of the game plan before you go into surgery. You have to make your needs known to the doctor - don't be shy.
Having a MOM is not a crime or a bad solution if you can't have a hip resurfacing. Please understand that you are very young and if the current doctor can't give you a resuf, then you might want to look further. If really experienced surgeons tell you resurfacing is not an option - then the MOM is fine. There are surgeons that will give you free consultations via email like Dr. Gross in SC, Dr. Bose in India and Dr. De SMet of Belgium. Gross and Bose have done over 1000 hip resurfacings and De Smet over 3000 hip resurfacings. They are really experienced surgeons.
Good Luck and stay in touch.