Thank you very much that definitly helps, for me being so active is a good thing, in your experience would i be able to play some recreational hockey. I also like to weightlift alot, i haven't been working my legs alot but i can still ride a bike no problem. Is resurfacing going to stop me from going to the gym. What do you thin k about physiotherapy, my therapist said that i probably have at least another 15 to 20 years out of that hip, he is doing acupuncture and getting me to do hip and leg strengtening excercises, i have been doing them for about two weeks now, i'm willing to try anything before the inevitable. My pain seems to be with my hip getting tired and achy and it seems to through off my lower back.I think i still have someting left in that hip but if physio doesn't improve my stituation i still have that referal to go to when ever they call. I can go all day without pain but it seems to anoy me around the 3 to 4 pm. I work physical labour for a living i'm on my feet starting at 7:30 am. I was playing a very competitive hockey league before Christmas and i kept pushing and playing with pain, i really think thats what progressed it