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Elaine Y.

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8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« on: January 30, 2008, 11:22:52 AM »
Hi All,

I've been trying to get on the site for a couple of days now to post my success story!! I've had a medical issue that's been keeping me away. Low blood count has made me have a few dizzy spells and yesterday I did faint, but fortunately my husband was there to save me. Today is good... no dizziness, no nausea Yippee.

My surgery was 1/22/08 at Alexian Brothers in Elk Grove Village. IL, by Dr. Eugene Lopez. It was pretty amazing. I've done extremely well since the surgery, except for the blood count issue. The pain that brought me to this point is gone. I have basic surgical pain, soreness. My anesthesia was general and I had a pain pump for the incision that was taken out at 3rd day postop. I was also using a PCP (patient controlled pump), which I discontinued myself on Wednesday. Right now I am on pain medication, but as I said before, the pain is mostly surgical in that I am sore after doing my PT exercises, etc.  I am using a rolling walker. I have a two-story home, and stairs are no problem. I'm having PT 5 times a week for the first week and then will be 3 times a week until seeing Dr. Lopez. Dr. Lopez was very adamant in telling me that for the next 6 weeks, be extremely careful, and then after 6 weeks, he will let me go. He doesn't want me running a marathon, but that's okay. Just to get back to being able to walk normally and rise from a chair normally is good enough for me. And, I will be able to get back to doing my speed walking and step aerobics. My 6-week postsurgical date just also happens to be my 30th wedding anniversary... what a way to celebrate!! I think I'll have my hubby take me dancing!!

My stay at the hospital was very good. I had excellent care. Although I was unable to get to their "Joint Camp," I did progress as well as if I had, as I was able to do all things from Joint Camp with my PT and OT. I was able to be in their gym on Saturday before discharge and had more practice on stairs. That was my biggest fear; however, stairs are now my best accomplishment. My surgical scar, of which I cannot see as it is behind me, measures 8 inches. I have staples. My first postop appt is 2/11/08.

I would highly recommend Dr. Eugene Lopez of Midwest Sports Medicine in Elk Grove Village, IL, for anyone wanting to do this procedure. He is a most excellent surgeon and is very excited and enthusiastic regarding this procedure. Dr. Lopez was trained by Mr. Traecy in Birmingham, England. Dr. Lopez has 50 plus resurfacing procedures to his credit. He told me his resurfacing patients are doing very well. I had to be tested for my skin allergy to nickel and took the blood test (lymphocyte reactivity in vitro), which is now being offered as a "promising" test for allergy to the implant. However, this test has not been deemed to be the predictor of implant failure or adverse reaction to the implant. I have allowed Rush University, Chicago, IL, to use my test results and information given to them for research purposes. Based on extensive research myself on the Internet, along with consultation with Dr. Lopez, I opted to still go ahead with the BHR. I believe my decision was a good one, as it was based on the facts at hand rather than assumption.

I will be posting regularly during my recovery. Thanks for all the information on this site. I believe it is best to be well informed and your own health advocate, especially with such a major procedure. Recovery for me would not be going as well if not for the information from this site, as well as with the help of my husband. He has been my right leg throughout this, and I appreciate it so much.

A most happy surface hippy, Elaine  :D


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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2008, 11:51:12 AM »
Good to see you back, Elaine.  Sorry to hear your blood count is not behaving.  I was told to take some iron pills before I left the hospital, but everything else looked fine.  I am going to see the ortho. surgeon this afternoon for my 10 day post op appt., though it is only 8 days.  They told me they would be taking out the staples at my 10 day appt.  I wonder if 2 days will make a difference.  I'm a little nervous about the removal of the staples.  I am just not in the mood for anymore pain.  LOL!  Everyday is getting a little bit better.  Standing up and sitting down is still my biggest challenge (for pain and strength issues).  Showering isn't too easy, either, since I don't have a tub chair or anything to assist me, plus I get pretty fatigued standing up after like 5 minutes).  I felt a little light-headed, almost felt like I could faint, after my shower and when my husband was assisting me with the incision dressing.  Sometimes, my thigh and hip area feels like there's either a lot of pressure or there's a 100 lb. weight sitting on it.  I sure hope this is all normal! 

Since we had our surgeries the same day, it will be nice to follow each other for comparisons.  I wish you a speedy recovery and that you get your blood count back on track! 


RBHR 1/22/2008

Pat Walter

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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2008, 12:16:49 PM »
Hi Elaine
Welcome to the other side.

I hope things will go well for you now that you are feeling better.

I will post your story on the regular website when I get a chance.  I try to put the stories over there where people just visiting can find them.

Keep up the good work and I hope you will be out and walking and walking and walking this spring. It is not too far away.

Stay in touch and let us know if we can provide any info for you.

Good Luck - official Surface Hippy.


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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Pat Walter

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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2008, 01:30:32 PM »
Hi Elaine

I have your story posted on the website  http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipstories08/elaine08.php  The link is from the Hip Stories page.

I look forward to adding updates, photos and videos if you have any in the future.

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Elaine Y.

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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2008, 04:18:40 PM »
Thanks Pat and Marni for your good thoughts. Thanks for posting my story on the hip stories. I am proud to be there. Every day gets better and better. Had PT today, and even though I was down for the count yesterday, the PT said that I really don't look like I lost anything. So, that was good to hear. She believes I'll be off the walker soon and onto a cane. I will bypass crutches. Good, because I do not do well with crutches.

I will keep you informed of my recovery. Next time I will try to get it in the hip stories myself to save you a lot of time. I imagine by the time you are done looking at all the items, you may be a little dizzy.

Thanks again and talk to you soon, Elaine :D


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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2008, 09:50:48 AM »

Having the staples removed is just annoying, little pinch here and there.  Don't sweat it.  It's over pretty quickly.  I was surprised to hear that you are showering before your staples are out!!  That's amazing...  I'm a nurse and I have never heard of letting a person get such a prominent new incision site wet like one does in a shower (or are you keeping it wrapped up tight)? 

The faint feeling will pass as you get stronger.  I had a really low blood count the first day post-op and had to receive 2 units of blood.  As you can imagine, I was NOT happy about it.  But when I went home I felt great and never felt weak or lightheaded.  Eat well and take some extra iron for a few weeks!!


Elaine Y.

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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2008, 10:08:28 AM »
Thanks, Karen, for your insight. Yes, I am on iron right now. Just had the visiting nurse here to test Coumadin level. Still keeps going up (down). I'm at 1.6; Monday was 1.7. So I imagine I'll have to up my Coumadin dose. Regarding showering,I use the Tegaderm bandage by 3M to cover my incision. I was told this is pretty waterproof, which it has proven to be so. Can't find them in the regular store yet, at least not Osco. Also, I was told to use seran wrap, but I'm liking the Tegaderm bandage the most. My incision is clean, dry, and intact.

Thanks for all the support. Will be getting my staples out on 2/11/08. It will be 3 weeks, but that's okay, as long as they don't get imbedded.

RBHR 1/22/08 -- Dr. Eugene Lopez


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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2008, 02:39:30 PM »
Not to be nosey, but why did they put you on Coumadin?  Do you have a 'blood clot' history?  I wish my doc had told me about that shower proof bandage.  Taking a 'spit' bath (as I call it) was cleansing enough but NOTHING can replace a real shower!!  I might have to mention it to him for new hip patients.  1.6 or 1.7 is a good range for your INR.  We have dozens of patients on Coumadin, but not for surgical reasons, usually people with heart conditions or histories of pulmonary embolisms or DVT's....

Keep us up to date with your progress.


Elaine Y.

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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2008, 04:03:23 PM »
Hi Karen,

I'm not sure why they have me on Coumadin, but I thought it was standard procedure. The literature I received from the hospital and such do say that Coumadin is prety standard to be on. I have no history of any blood clotting disorder or anything. I was told today, though, that I should maintain my Coumadin dose the same 2.5 mg every night at bedtime. I believe its precautionary at the least.

I believe I read that you had your surgery done in Northern IL, if I'm correct. Who did your surgery? What hospital were you in? Now that's being nosy -- but if you don't mind answering. It is purely just a wondering thing.

I'm glad I do know about these bandages, because I would not survive with a spit bath. Take care and talk to you soon.

Elaine Y.
RBHR 1/22/08 -- Dr. Eugene Lopez


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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2008, 09:41:32 PM »

My surgeon is Mark Barba, Rockford Orthopedic Associates, Rockford, Illinois.  I live in a small burb to the north (Machesney Park) about 10 miles from the Wisconsin border.  I have known this ortho. group personally for years.  We also have a great working relationship with them through our health system, Rockford Health System which encompasses Rockford Memorial Hospital, Rockford Health Physicians Group and Visiting Nurses Association.   This is the health system I have been employed by for the last 14 years.  RMH is a great hospital with a state-of-the-art ortho. operating room and staff. 

I was initially supposed to get Lovenox injections to keep away the possibility of blood clots.  This is a newer drug, unlike coumadin or heparin, and does NOT need to be monitored by blood draws because it does not affect the blood in the same way.   Since I don't know where you live, I can only guess as to why coumadin was chosen.  Perhaps the surgeon, your insurance???  I know that Lovenox is very expensive.  I was given one injection the first post-op day, but had trouble with edema (swelling) in my thigh and he was concerned about me developing a hematoma (blood pooled spot) at my incision site.  My surgeon knew that I was up and about (a lot since my bladder was really doing its job!) and not likely to have issues with clots.  I also never wore any compression stockings.  Anyway, I did great and made sure I did lots of calf and ankle pumps numerous times every hour that I was sitting or lying down.  Plus, I think he felt safe letting me be off any 'blood thinners' since I'm an RN and know what the symptoms are, etc.  I was very thankful NOT to have had those worries.

Believe me, not taking a REAL shower was the worst.  But I have had lots of practice with bathing people in bed, so standing at the sink with running water wasn't difficult.  At least I could bend over and wash my hair in the kitchen sink!!!  I hate bedhead hair!!


Elaine Y.

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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2008, 01:41:33 PM »
Hi Karen,

I live in Elgin, IL, have friends in the Rockford/Belvidere/Loves Park area. I am quite familiar with the area. I saw Dr. Barba was on the website. I, too, am in the medical field. I am a medical transcriptionist. I work for a medical management firm.. I take dictation from nurses who follow workers' comp patients. I work out of my home, which makes it really nice. That's why I will be only off work for about 3 weeks. I go back on 2/14/08.

I'm not worried about Coumadin. I believe I will only be on it for a short time. I did not have compression stockings in the hospital either, just compression boots. I really enjoyed those boots, which surprised the RN's, as they said many do not like them as they disturb their sleep. For me it was like getting a foot massage.

It will be interesting to keep in touch regarding our recovery. I have another friend through this site, Marni, who had her surgery the same day I did in Milwaukee with Dr. Bailey. She has posted her story also. I have not heard from her since she had her staples removed. I have to look around and see if Marni has posted anything recently -- Marni are you out there ;)

I'll keep you posted on my recovery through this site, as well. Please keep writing so we have comparison.

Elaine Y.
RBHR 1/22/08 -- Dr. Eugene Lopez


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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2008, 07:27:26 PM »

Those compression boots were ANNOYING!  They actually queased too hard.  I kicked them off a lot.  teehee.  The nurses would ask me if they could put them back on and I'd say 'sure'.  But I was up every 1-2 hours to use the potty, so they never stayed on for long.  And of course I couldn't bend forward to put them on again, THank GOD!  Good excuse..  I'll keep in touch.  I saw something from Marni yesterday.


Elaine Y.

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Re:11 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2008, 07:10:08 PM »
Hi All,

I am now 11 days postop and am getting stronger every day. At this point in time, it seems surreal that I had a hip resurfacing. I have no pain in the right hip at all. My pain right now is incisional and muscular. I was not exercising at all before the procedure, so am now dealing with the muscular weakness and repairing the muscle that had to be cut into for the procedure. I was unable to do anything prior to surgery due to the pain. That pain gone, I would say the pain I have is almost identical to pain you feel when you work out too hard. It's a pain I have not felt in a long time, but a pain that is welcoming. Incisional pain, I believe, will go away after my staples are removed. They will be gone on 2/11/08. Can't wait until that time.

I am doing many stretching exercises, along with strengthening, in physical therapy. I have been told by the PT to stand up tall and walk with even steps and to hold onto my walker with a very light touch... to be almost full weight bearing on the right leg. This is amazing to me, as I was not even full weight bearing before I went in for hip resurfacing. There are many smiles on my face as I glide through walking. The exercises, on the other hand, produce a scrunchy face as I try to strengthen the muscles.

I am so looking forward to the spring when I can get out and walk again or at least I am looking forward to the snow to be gone. Walking for me was my biggest exercise in the past. I look forward to getting out at about 5:30 a.m. to start my day with a crisp walk, clear the mind, relieve the stress. It is amazing how pain can cause you stress in all aspects of your life. My personality in pain was not pleasant, as I'm sure not many out there are.

I will keep you posted on my recovery. If you are a person contemplating this procedure... don't wait. Find a surgeon close to you and get the ball rolling. I guarantee with a trained surgeon behind you, you will not be sorry that you went forward with it. Do it... Do it now. Don't let another spring or summer go by with your pain level so high that it takes days to recover for doing simple chores. That was a high motivator for me. Last summer was probably the worst summer I experienced since the start of my hip pain. I could not do gardening, which left my yard in shambles. It made me very sad. Start your road to living... you won't regret it.

Elaine Y.
RBHR 1/22/08 -- Dr. Eugene Lopez

Pat Walter

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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2008, 10:18:05 PM »
Hi Elaine

Glad to hear you are feeling better.  It just takes time. I will post your update shortly on the website.

I hope things keep moving along for you.  Spring is not far away.

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Elaine Y.

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Re: 21 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2008, 10:04:53 AM »
Hi All,

I am at 21 days postop. I could not have imagined it going any better. Yesterday, 2/11/08, I did get my staples removed. I did take some pain medication before hand, due to this condition I've seemed to have developed that when I have pain, my blood sugar seems to drop and I start feeling light headed. I really don't know where that came from. Staple removal went very well. A few ouches, but all in all, nothing that was excruciating. I couldn't believe when the RN said she was done. She applied steri strips, but my incision looked great, no redness, puffiness. I can shower as normal and the steri strips can just fall off.

Dr. Lopez advanced me to a cane. X-rays were taken, and Dr. Lopez was very pleased with how they look. In his words I have a classic textbook positioning, the pin placed right, the femur cup is sitting very well on the femur head... everything looks excellent. He is very pleased. I will start outpatient therapy at his therapy facility site, as they have developed a hip resurfacing protocol. I was told that at six weeks postop (3/4/08) I will be allowed to do everything. Normally at the six week interval with hip replacements, they are given instructions for ADL's (activities of daily living) and how to proceed from there; i.e., tying shoes, clipping toenails, getting on socks, bending over. Dr. Lopez said I will be given no instructions on this, as I will proceed as I would normally. That will be awesome, because I haven't been able to polish or clip my toenails for at least 1 1/2 years. My husband will be most happy for this ;D

I cannot stress enough how this hip resurfacing has changed my life. To think 2 short months ago I was living with such unbearable pain and looking at a life of Cortisone injections and eventual THR. What a life-changing event. With perseverance in finding a qualified surgeon and one who is very likeable and excited and enthusiastic about the hip resurfacing procedure, my life has been changed to a future of getting back to myself and doing the things I enjoy doing in life and just being me.

On Saturday in the mail I received my Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Card that identifies me as a recipient, along with my date of surgery and my surgeon, Dr. Eugene P. Lopez. This card I will carry in my wallet with pride. I am so proud to have this card and to be able to say that I was able to weigh all the medical evidence on hand, find a most capable and enthusiastic surgeon, and was able to make an intelligent decision to have this relatively new procedure performed.

Please, if you are living with such pain and find life to be not a friendly place to be right now, seek out and investigate the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing System. Find a surgeon that you are most comfortable with. Most insurance companies are paying for this procedure. Because it is such a new procedure, they do not have a separate code for this procedure and are still billing it as hip replacement. The number one item on your agenda is to find a surgeon who is very skilled with BHR. Also, take along the questions on this site so you have a starting point to help you decide on your surgeon. Dr. Lopez was not my first choice. After asking a few questions from this site to the first surgeon I saw, it was clear to me that we would not mesh and I would not be comfortable with him. Thus, my search was short for Dr. Lopez, as my good friend directed me to him. I have not regretted that in any way!!!

For all of you comtemplating this... be sure to ask questions on this site. You will receive a multitude of answers from many who have joined this site and have gone before you. Even though I have not met anyone personally, as we all have this common bond of living life pain free and wanting to share our experiences to help others, we are so very anxious to help others achieve that. Start your road to freedom from pain... find a surgeon and be ready to enjoy life by the summer!!!! Take care,

Elaine Y.
RBHR -- Dr. Eugene Lopez -- 1/22/08


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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2008, 10:20:33 AM »
Hi Elaine,
I was delighted to read your progress - I am about 3 weeks behind you RBHR 2/14/08 Dr. Rogerson in Madison Wisconsin.  I am looking forward to seeing my progress each day!  It is encouraging to read your story to see what is coming up - I have found everyone's stories and recovery information to be so helpful.  I'm glad so many folks are willing to share.

Like you, I had some blood count issues post surgery, the lightheadedness is unsettling indeed.  That seems to have passed and I am taking iron for the next month.  I'm trying to find some iron rich foods to incorporate into my diet - if anyone has suggestions I"d appreciate it.

I completely agree that anyone contemplating the procedure should not wait - there is no reason to lose another day of your life to pain when this procedure is available.  If I could kick myself I would for waiting so long.  I keep waiting for that old pain to be there again, I think the brain gets hardwired for it, but it is simply not there.  I couldn't be more pleased.

Thanks again for sharing your story and I look forward to following your progress!
RBHR 2/14/08 Dr. Rogerson

Elaine Y.

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Re: 5 Weeks Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2008, 04:26:30 PM »
Hi Denise,

I'm glad that you are recovery so well, also. Today is my 5 week mark. I can hardly believe it. Yesterday in outpatient PT they told me I could go without the cane around the house. Outside and in crowds, still use the cane. My biggest problem right now is weakness. Plain and simple my hamstrings and quadriceps have to strengthen up. I'm up to 20 leg raises... they are hard, but they are worth it. Also, in PT I'm doing squats, and they had me doing "step aerobics" (up and down on the step). I still am not allowed to drive, but that's okay. I still get around. In fact, tonight I'm going to a Bon Jovi concert with a friend. This I'm really looking forward to, because before the resurfacing, I know I would have gone, but would have ended up in lots of pain from standing, sitting, and just about everything else you do at a concert.

Also, because I work out of my house, I find that I forget to get up and move around. This is bad. This is what I used to do before the resurfacing, because it was so painful to get up and move around. But now it is not painful, but I need to move, because literally my butt gets sore.

Everyday I get stronger and stronger. Again, as soon as the snow stops (can you believe the amount of snow both IL and WI have had this year.... :-\), I will be out walking, walking, walking. To be back walking outside again is something I am so very much looking forward to. At this five-week interval, my progress is steady and more than I had imagined it would be. My doctor told me that I would be amazed at all I could do and how early in recovery I would be able to do it. He is a man of his word!!!

Take care and I will let you know how it's going.

Elaine Y.
RBHR -- 1/22/07 -- Dr. Eugene Lopez

Elaine Y.

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Hi All,

I haven't given an update in quite some time, because I've been busy getting back to not only things I enjoy to do, but also stuff that is necessary to live ;) I'm walking tall these days and smiling a lot. Life without pain is awesome!! ;D Just a note to anyone still contemplating hip resurfacing... I cannot stress enough to get out of pain and live your life again!!! You will not regret it. Find a competent surgeon in hip resurfacing and go for it. Don't wait any longer ;)

I am happy to report that except for muscle soreness every now and then because I've taken on too much due to feeling so good, I am pain free. Happily, my outpatient PT ended on 4/10/08. Of course, some of the exercises I'm still doing, the stretches especially. While I can touch my toes now, I still can't put my shoe on the usual way (that darn quad muscle) and putting on a sock still is hard, but manageable. It will come I know in the next couple of months. 

I was released from my surgeon, Dr. Eugene Lopez, Elk Grove Village, IL, on 4/21/08. I will now be going back to him every year for five years around my resurfacing anniversary date (1/22/08) for x-rays only. Dr. Lopez is a very good surgeon, who is very enthusiastic to get the word out about this wonderful procedure. I thank him profusely for giving me back my quality of life.  :)

I am able to garden and do cleaning again without regretting it for several days. I have started my walking again. This feels so good to go walking in the morning, to enjoy the sites and sounds of nature waking up. I am up to walking the distance I was walking before my hip pain got so bad that I had to cut, cut, cut it down and then eventually stop. However, the speed of my walking is not up to where I was, but this I know will come in good time. I am just grateful and happy to be without pain, that everything else is icing on the cake. :D

I am definitely a Happy Surface Hippy. I'm not an athlete, just your average woman that dealt with hip pain for some years and is now not having to work around the pain, alter my lifestyle due to pain, and be able to do all the good and fun things life has to offer. I have gone on all day shopping trips without having to sit after each store entered to get relief from pain. I've been told that I look taller now. I didn't realize how much I was stooped over so I could get comfortable from the hip pain. Life is Good!!!!

Take care all my Surface Hippy friends and soon-to-be Surface Hippies. Have an awesome day ;D

Elaine Y.
RBHR -- 1/22/08 -- Dr. Eugene Lopez

Pat Walter

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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2008, 09:09:29 AM »
Hi Elaine

Glad to hear life is getting back to normal for you.

The pain from a bad hip seems to creep up on you and you don't realize how it negatively affects your life in so many ways.

I am glad you can take walks again and I hope you enjoy the summer ahead.  A pain free summer!!!

Good Luck.


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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: 8 days Postop -- Surgery on 1/22/08 with Dr. Eugene Lopez
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2008, 09:37:21 PM »
horray elaine! i am so excited for you! and you are an inspiration...giving me something to look forward to.

i am approaching my 7th week and just starting to walk without a crutch. my surgeon is very conservative and even though i was allowed to start heavier weight bearing at 2 weeks, i have not been released from crutches when i leave the house. this will happen next week when i see him. i cannot wait to get back to walking without a crutch and, gasp, touching my toes! this is a stretch i used to enjoy every morning when i got out of bed.

congrats to you and keep us posted!

dr. john evans
3/24/08 rbhr



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