Hi All,
I am at 21 days postop. I could not have imagined it going any better. Yesterday, 2/11/08, I did get my staples removed. I did take some pain medication before hand, due to this condition I've seemed to have developed that when I have pain, my blood sugar seems to drop and I start feeling light headed. I really don't know where that came from. Staple removal went very well. A few ouches, but all in all, nothing that was excruciating. I couldn't believe when the RN said she was done. She applied steri strips, but my incision looked great, no redness, puffiness. I can shower as normal and the steri strips can just fall off.
Dr. Lopez advanced me to a cane. X-rays were taken, and Dr. Lopez was very pleased with how they look. In his words I have a classic textbook positioning, the pin placed right, the femur cup is sitting very well on the femur head... everything looks excellent. He is very pleased. I will start outpatient therapy at his therapy facility site, as they have developed a hip resurfacing protocol. I was told that at six weeks postop (3/4/08) I will be allowed to do everything. Normally at the six week interval with hip replacements, they are given instructions for ADL's (activities of daily living) and how to proceed from there; i.e., tying shoes, clipping toenails, getting on socks, bending over. Dr. Lopez said I will be given no instructions on this, as I will proceed as I would normally. That will be awesome, because I haven't been able to polish or clip my toenails for at least 1 1/2 years. My husband will be most happy for this

I cannot stress enough how this hip resurfacing has changed my life. To think 2 short months ago I was living with such unbearable pain and looking at a life of Cortisone injections and eventual THR. What a life-changing event. With perseverance in finding a qualified surgeon and one who is very likeable and excited and enthusiastic about the hip resurfacing procedure, my life has been changed to a future of getting back to myself and doing the things I enjoy doing in life and just being me.
On Saturday in the mail I received my Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Card that identifies me as a recipient, along with my date of surgery and my surgeon, Dr. Eugene P. Lopez. This card I will carry in my wallet with pride. I am so proud to have this card and to be able to say that I was able to weigh all the medical evidence on hand, find a most capable and enthusiastic surgeon, and was able to make an intelligent decision to have this relatively new procedure performed.
Please, if you are living with such pain and find life to be not a friendly place to be right now, seek out and investigate the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing System. Find a surgeon that you are most comfortable with. Most insurance companies are paying for this procedure. Because it is such a new procedure, they do not have a separate code for this procedure and are still billing it as hip replacement. The number one item on your agenda is to find a surgeon who is very skilled with BHR. Also, take along the questions on this site so you have a starting point to help you decide on your surgeon. Dr. Lopez was not my first choice. After asking a few questions from this site to the first surgeon I saw, it was clear to me that we would not mesh and I would not be comfortable with him. Thus, my search was short for Dr. Lopez, as my good friend directed me to him. I have not regretted that in any way!!!
For all of you comtemplating this... be sure to ask questions on this site. You will receive a multitude of answers from many who have joined this site and have gone before you. Even though I have not met anyone personally, as we all have this common bond of living life pain free and wanting to share our experiences to help others, we are so very anxious to help others achieve that. Start your road to freedom from pain... find a surgeon and be ready to enjoy life by the summer!!!! Take care,
Elaine Y.
RBHR -- Dr. Eugene Lopez -- 1/22/08