Well what a week it's been.Things overall are pretty well.I have learned that the easiest of tasks like getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, showering take so much energy after surgery.However all of you guys and gals have always posted that every day gets better and easier and I have found that to be the truth.Today I'm post op day 8 and getting stronger and stronger
. I don't know how difficult the first few days are for a single hip but I do know the first few days for both hips took alot of my energy.On the fifth day post op my energy level came back big time. I'm walking around pretty darn good with a walker still( I tried crutches and did okey but right now I feel safer with a walker). I can't thank you all enough for your replies and support. I truly am not sure if I could have gone thru all this if it were not for all your help
. The future looks bright surfing,snowboarding,ice skating,rollerblading all that , even just walking normal again.Wow. Any one looking at getting both done e-mail me if you have any questions. Until my next post laters.