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I'm going in the 15th. Sinai, Baltimore Maryland. Pretty freaked, but in soooo much pain that I'm somehow looking forward to it. I'm officially off the NSAID's. Everything hurts waist down! Hips Knees ankles... I'm 48 and have been a surgical candidate for some time now. I was told.."wait until your 50..Let pain be your guide"

 I'm Having Bi-lat a week apart. Is this common? Safer than both hips at once? I assume post op and recovery is complicated. Any Bi-Lat folks care to comment? I read Lefty wasn't impressed with the acute rehab joint they sent him to. Any Marylanders speak well of a good rehab place? Does anyone have a realistic view of when I might go back to a desk job? Despite the earlier pessimistic paragraphs I am looking forward. Certainly 100% of anyone I've spoken to said the procedure is life altering..I waited too long etc... Just looking for guidance the next 10 weeks or so Thanks-

Pat Walter

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Re: Bi Lat a week apart/ Recovery time? Acute Rehab in MD recomendations?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 02:38:37 PM »

There have been a lot of bi-lat patients.  I was not one.  I have many bi-lat stories posted here  http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipstories.phpm  As you go down the list, you can see the bi-lats.

Actually, they proabably recover at about the same rate as anyone else.  The real problem is there is no way to tell ahead of time how you are going to do.  Some people are up and running, literally at 3 months, while others are just getting off crutches at that time.

Hope that you have an average recovery and will be off crutches in a couple months or less.  You can tell from the many stories I have posted that most bi-lats do well.

You will be out of the arthritis pain and only have to deal with the incision and muscle pain. That is normally much less and handled often by just something like Avil.

Returning to work will depend on how you feel.  For the first 6 weeks or so, you can't sit for long periods of time.  You need to get up and move around.  You will know when you are ready to return.

Hip resurfacing is definitely life altering - you will get your life without pain back.  That is an absolute gift.  Keep a good positive attitude and you will have a great summer ahead of you.

Keep in touch.  Hopefully, the group here on the board will help the next 10 weeks pass more quickly with some good advice and support.

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Bi Lat a week apart/ Recovery time? Acute Rehab in MD recomendations?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 05:07:56 PM »
All rehab is different but all i can say is i'm 50 and a elevator mech and i was given the ok after 6 weeks.


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Re: Bi Lat a week apart/ Recovery time? Acute Rehab in MD recomendations?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 04:29:13 AM »

I know it is natural to be a bit nervous in the lead up to your ops,I certainly was,however the reality  after my simultaneous bi-lat op just 10 weeks ago has proved that nervousness was uncalled for!
Of course everyone will probably react somewhat differently,for me it has been absolutely trouble free.
Right now I am back at work and have been since week 8.I probably could have managed a return to work at about week 6 or 7.
Perhaps the best piece of advice I could give is to get into a swimming pool as early as you can.Once the incisions had completely healed I began swimming around 4 or 5 times a week,the benefits were amazing.
I have progressed to the point where I can comfortably hike over hilly walking tracks easily with distances of around 6 or 7 km.Riding my mountain bike is just so much easier than it was pre-op,although I am conscious not to overdo it on the hills,even though I feel I could.
As far as rehab has been concerned I have mostly followed a self help system.I have now got to the point where I don't even think about my hips any more,they just feel as natural as they were before the OA set in 4 years ago.If you look on the Surfacehippy Blogs you'll see an entry detailing my first few weeks post operatively.If you need any further info you can contact me at gavinfin@hotmail.com.
Good luck with your coming ops.....this is life changing!!

Gavin (Bi-lat BHR Dec 3 2007)


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Re: Bi Lat a week apart/ Recovery time? Acute Rehab in MD recomendations?
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2008, 05:55:39 PM »

I underwent bi lateral hip resurfacing 14 Dec 07 10 weeks this Friday. Apart from the pain and getting in an out of bed (which was an event in itself) I managed to survive post op 8 days before going home. The best thing is being told to stand without frame or crutches the next day to prove that it is working.
Post Op I had assistance with pain killers where I was put on 2 daily (slow release) for 10 days which worked extremely well because I was up walking 2-3 times a day 30 minutes around the perimiter of the house. After that period, I took medication on a needs basis and havent taken any for 5 weeks.
After the removal of staples from the incisions I then started hydro therapy and gym exercise 3 days a week (3 Jan 08) and maintained the walking daily upto an hour on both crutches and then later one
I saw the surgeon yesterday and got the all clear to return to work which happens on Thursday when I fly to the mine site where I work as a Safety Trainer.
Good luck and while resting in bed take up reading. I managed to put a dent in the never ending list of "books to read"


Pat Walter

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Re: Bi Lat a week apart/ Recovery time? Acute Rehab in MD recomendations?
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2008, 06:05:11 PM »
Hi Robert

I am glad to hear things are going well for you.

I wish you good luck when you fly back to work to the mine site.  I imagine you will still get tired more eaisly, but hopefully everything else is working great for you.

If you ever get near a computer after you get back to work, let us know who the hips are doing on the job.

Good Luck!

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet



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