Welcome to Hip Talk.
Here is a list I put together that might help
http://www.surfacehippy.info/pcwhatwillineed.phpThe most important for me was my toilet riser, my crutches and my husband. He put my TEDS and shoes and socks on for me.
I took a lot of naps both in bed and in my recliner. While I was in Belgium for 9 days, I used a bunch of pillows under my legs while I was in bed. I did not wear TEDS at night and needed to keep my legs elevated. Toes above the nose is Dr. De Smets suggestion.
We were taught to do stairs the second day. I was able to bend down by putting my operated leg in back of me and stooping forward with my good leg and some support from my crutch, chair, counter or whatever.
Most people are quite mobile by the time they leave the hospital. We all went to the resturant for all three meals - down the elevator and thru the long halls. So there was no need for bedside tables or anything like that.
It is always nice to have a wife or husband around to help, but many peopel have gone to India and Belgium by themselves and managed quite well for 10 days - 2 weeks. So you won't have to wait on your hubby too much.
He will mostly be just tired out and wanting lots of naps. Many people don't sleep well for a few weeks. Some use sleeping pills and others just spend a lot of time in a recliner at night. I was able to sleep on my good side after about 5 days post op with a pillow between my knees. That helpes a lot to be able to get off your back.
Some people use ice packs or a frozen bag of peas. I did not have any swelling, but some people do.
We had waterproof bandages and were able to shower and get into the pool for therapy right away. If your hubby doesn't get waterproof bandages, you can get them at the drug store. Makes taking a shower much easier.
I do know of several fireman from the Yahoo Surface Hippy Discussion Group that have had hip resurfacing and returned to work.
Good Luck and keep in touch.