Hi Willie
After 4 years of research, I think you are heading in the right direction considering De Smet, Bose or McMinn. The more complicated your hip problem, the more you need to be using one of the best in the world for surgery.
I am a De Smet Hippy and can't say enough good about him and his staff. I did not have health insurance and could not afford surgery in the US. Even if I had insurance, I would still have wnated to go to De Smet. I was 61, a female and had a loss of bone density - I wanted one of the best.
I choose De Smet because I did not want to fly for 28 hours to India. I don't like to fly and felt the Belgium experience would be better for me than the India Experience. I did talk with Dr. Bose and would have no problem using him. He is one of the best and I know many people that have gone to him. He is a real favorite amoung the athletes.
The nice part about De Smet is his great team and the rehab at the Villa. I was there 2 years ago and rehabbed at the Holiday Inn. It was great, but I understand the Villa is absolutely wonderful both for the staff and the food. I like the fact that De Smet gets you in the pool for therapy very quickly. I would go back to him if I ever needed a revision or another hip.
I was with 8 other hippies and we all had the same recovery during our 9 day stay post op. We were all on 1 crutch at 4 days and out sight seeing by about day 5 post op. I was a little slower than the younger folks. I have noticed over the years of reading hundreds of hip stories, that the people going to the more experienced surgeons seem to, normally, have an easier and quicker recovery. I had no brusing or swelling and neither did the 8 I was with. My friend did finally have swelling after we went sight seeing and she walked to much. None of us took heavy pain meds after leaving the hospital. I used Advil for the incision discomfort and mucles sorness. No codene type meds or vicoden, etc. It was not needed. I was off my crutch at 4 weeks and have had a quick and easy recovery.
People with more advanced and complicated problems, sometimes have slower recoveries. On the whole, I have observed De Smet hippies and Bose hippies do very well. The US doctors are generally much more conservative in their recovery protocol. They just don't have the experience of a De Smet - over 3000 hip resurfacings and over 3000 Thrs.
I don't know if Mr. McMinn has the same type of set up as De Smet. I know he certainly is one of the best, but that is all I can tell you. I have a handful of McMinn stories on the website, but they are mostly for the BMHR.
Mr. Treacy is another very experperineced UK surgeon with over 4000 Hip resurfacings and I have several people give me their stories with him.
http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipstories.php#Dr.%20TreacyIf you want more info about Dr. Bose, Vicky Marlow who helps me with info on the website can talk to you either by email or phone. She went to Dr. Bose and has a pretty close talking relationship with him. She would not go to anyone else by Dr. Bose
Personally I don't know if I would consider many of the US surgeons other than maybe Dr. Gross of SC or Amstutz of CA.
I really like the overseas doctors. I like the way you can talk to them at any time and they always answer your questions. Dr. De Smet is a very talented surgeon and a kind and compasionate person. I can't say enough good things about him.
I have been reading and learning for 3 years and building the website almost that long. I always point people with difficult problems to De Smet, Bose, Gross or McMinn or Treacy.
There are very detailed stories from patients of all those doctors on my website
http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipstories.php I red every story I could find before I choose Dr. De Smet.
I think you might want to talk to Dr. Bose via email or phone. His english is very good and his written communication excellent. He is friends with De Smet and they both understand people are going to consider more than one surgeon - then make a choice.
My list
http://www.surfacehippy.info/listofdoctors.php gives the doctors stats. THere are a handful of surgeons with over 1000 hip resurfacings listed.
After you have talked with Bose and whoever else you choose - Gross, Amstutz, McMinn, Treacy - you will have a feeling for who you want to go to. Listen to your own feelings and you will make the right choice.
Please let me know what other information I can help you with. Both Vicky and I are available to help.
Pat in Ohio - Owner/Webmaster of the Surface Hippy Website
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet