hi, had my surgery on the 4 .3. 08 and was back home on the 7th, things just did/nt go to plan , i had the best possible chance in that the surgeon has done around 500 bhr/s ,he was using a new robotic 3d imager to precisley locate the hip cup ,because of the extra info he had with the ct scan results i asked him just before surgery was there any chance of a thr and he just shook his head so i was confident that my worst fear was not going to be realised,
during surgery the cup was implanted ,the femural head was ground back ,the plastic trail cap was fitted for size but when the metal cap was hammered on the pin bent and the surgeon could/nt get it on any further or remove it so had to revert to a thr ,
so i am 51 with a thr the very worse thing i could have imagined has happened and for no medical reason , the surgeon said my bones were so hard it tipped the cup to one side,
i come from a mechanical background and its just impossible for something like this to happen in my mind ,the very last part of the procedure ,the easist, the tea lady could have tapped it all home square and true,
i am tryng not to think about it just to get back to health again and see what i can and can/t do ,
on a brighter note the sugery was painless and i am off pain killers after 5 days but because the procedure started as a bhr i had the ganz flip which means no weight on the leg for 6 weeks and sleeping on my back for this time which is quite hard,
i hope i hav/nt put anyone off ,the chances of something similar happening to someone else just is/nt calcuable , pete