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Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« on: March 22, 2012, 10:47:39 AM »
I am an avid runner.  Having resurfacing in 18 days from Dr. Su.  I've done 6 marathons, a dozen half marathons and hundreds of shorter races. 

In addition, unlike normal runners, I also do sprinting at master's track meets (100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, etc) and have been nationally ranked.

Dr Su says I should be able to sprint again (after full recovery of course), but we'll see.  Just losing one second off my 100 meter dash time means I will not be able to sprint competeitvely again.  But if I can run for fun and excercise that will be good.  Competetive sprinting would be gravy (although I dont think it has ever been done after resurfacing as best I can tell, so perhaps I can help shed some good news on the topic)

I plan on working very hard on rehab and PT (but not too hard to ensure proper healing).  At 6 months, Dr. Su says I can run again, but I will take it verrrry slowly and listen to my body.  I imagine it will be 12 months before I do a hard track workout or plyometrics.  Running is my life.  My mom told me I could run before I could walk.  I am very very active in our running club (was President for 3 years, am currently VP and Track Coach).

As I said, I don't need to be anything special after surgery, I just want to be able to run again and stay fit.  Trying to be realistic and not get my hopes dashed.  I've had a good life.

Most of the post-op running issues I have read about here are soft tissue stuff - scar tissue, etc.  I use Active Release Technique from by guru and plan on having him work on me a lot as I come back to form.  Looking forward to being on the other side.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 06:08:14 PM by Arrojo »
Dr. Su
RBHR 4/9/12


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 09:12:21 PM »
Had my first scare today - because of my asthma, Dr. Su's office wanted 'my pulmonologist' to certify that I was OK for surgery.  My asthma's never been that bad, but I do need my inhaler before running and hockey.  My pulmonolgist is basically my primary care physician who has known me for awhile. 

So I go in and do this pulmonolgy test - blowing as hard as you can into this metered thing while standing up.  The nurse administering the test kept saying that the machine was saying I wasn't taking a deep enough breath.  So, after five times of doing this, I was wheezing.  She said the device couldn't print anything because it was saying my breaths weren't deep enough.  So she leaves the room to get help.  I 'm sitting there thinking, oh great!  I can't believe I failed the test.  Now I can't even get the surgery.  Has this even ever happened?  What am I gonna do if I am not cleared for surgery?

My mind was racing.  She comes back in, and still can't get it top print, and leaves again.  I refused to panic.  But I was still bummed out, until she comes back and finally gets a page of data to print off.  "How's it look?", I asked, already knowing the answer.  She shakes her head.

Fast forward 90 minutes to my meeting with the good Dr.  He seemed quite alarmed at the MoM design of the BHR implant.  I'd tried to helpfully educate him on this - not a THR or recalled implant, Dr. Su is awesome, etc, etc.  Then I asked about the asthma issue and he said, 'oh you're fine for surgery',  The bar's pretty low for not being able to have surgery based on asthma, apparently.  (He did advise me to do 2 puffs/day of my Pulmicort inhaler till surgery.

Alls well that ends well?  Crazy.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 08:14:29 AM by Arrojo »
Dr. Su
RBHR 4/9/12


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2012, 08:55:32 AM »
It is crazy, but at least you're through that hurdle. We all got the advice against MOM and HR. You're in good hands with Dr. Su.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2012, 08:59:39 AM »
    Arrojo, glad to hear that you have clearance.  I just ordered my first pair of new running shoes in over and year and a half.  I want to protect my new and old joints from old, worn-out shoes.  Amazing to be excited about something like that but getting back into the mindset of "training" with this new hip is like pre-injury days.  So far, the smaller muscles are really good at signalling when they get tired, so its easy to avoid overdoing it, but ...its very, very cool to feel just a little of the runner's joy of old.
    Don't know what your running times will be after you recover, but I bet you'll be smiling anyway!

51 yr, RHBiomet, Dr. Gross, 9/30/11
happy, hopeful, hip-full


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2012, 11:56:26 AM »
its very, very cool to feel just a little of the runner's joy of old.
    Don't know what your running times will be after you recover, but I bet you'll be smiling anyway!


 :)  Thanks, Curt.  Yup, I've had plenty of time to make my peace with it.  I will work very hard to get back, but if I can't compete at a high level, so be it.  Just the joy of running will make me smile for years.
Dr. Su
RBHR 4/9/12


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2012, 12:28:44 AM »
I also had a last minute scare.  I went in for the obligatory electro cardiogram.  The report comes back that I had evidence of a previous heart attack.  That is even after I talked to the technician and told him that I have always had a very slow heart rate.

My PCP looked at the report and realized they had made a mistake and knew of my low heart rate due to a lifetime of athletics.  He realized that this would delay my surgery.  Fortunately he had a cardiologist friend that could see me that same day.  I got a second opinion from an expert who took one look at the graph, asked me a couple of questions, and determined I was exceptionally healthy.

@Curt - I got my new running shoes when I started running six weeks ago.  I was also thinking that I am going to give my hip all the help I can.  I even took a running form class even though I have run since I was 13.
LHRA, Birmingham, Dr. Pritchett, 8/1/2011
RHRA, EndoTec, Dr. Pritchett, 12/6/2022


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2012, 08:58:32 PM »
Arrojo - I am NOT a runner.....   but, today at 9 1/2 wks post op, I had the urge to run - I felt so free. I know I am not supposed to, so I just kept up my spirited 3 mile walk, but I have to say - for me to even "think" about running was a miracle.  3 more weeks and I think I can get on my Mtn Bike for some easy rides.  Now THAT makes me happy!  Hang in there - you are gonna do great! 
Successful LBHR 1/19/12 Dr. Cynthia Kelly
Fear causes Hesitation and Hesitation causes your worst Fears to come true


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2012, 10:35:47 PM »

I've spent some time on the site today and sent a few posts that you can check if you want but I want to say a few things about running.

I don't think I saw your age except that you have done some senior sprinting.  I'm 58 now and know that my fastest and longest running days probably are behind me, particularly since I had my right hip resurfacing done by Dr. Pritchett in July of 2011.  But I did do my first 5K run exactly four months after the surgery, and currently run every other day for 35 to 40 minutes and I'm very happy with that just over seven months post-surgery.  I plan to bump that up a bit soon and might do some 10K runs this summer if I feel tip top.  My favorite race always was the half marathon - not sure I'll ever get back to that but its OK if I don't.

As a sprinter, you know about running on your toes and staying level.  What I've discovered is that the best way to run with a resurfaced hip is to sprint very slowly!  I use an exclusive toe/mid foot strike, never ever hit my heels to the ground, have a minimal lift and use a shorter quicker stride - just glide along - my head doesn't go up and down AT ALL.  I'm very happy with this "barefoot" style and actually can build up some decent steam and increase the stride length on a level surface.

BUT - my attitude has also changed completely.  I am blessed by being able to run at all, and treasure just being out on the road.  During the 5K run, I let tons of people pass me by, particularly early in the race, and even caught many of them before the finish - I had nothing to prove (been there, done that).  If my hip starts to act up (it hasn't yet), I won't push it, will cut way back, and start all over again. It sounds like you are on that path too, but be careful.
Dr. Pritchett - Seattle
Right hip resurfaced on July 11, 2011
Born in 1953


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2012, 09:04:56 PM »
Thanks, JE. I am 52.  There is no such thing as slow sprinting of course. Trying to jog a 100-meter dash would be humiliating, I think. Nor is there such a thing as barefoot sprinting (where would you put the spikes? :-)  ). So I guess you are saying it cant be done after a hip resurfacing. Perhaps you are right. But Dr. Su told me he thinks it can be done. I guess we'll see. I can only try - the key is to be patient and slowly work my way back.

With 9 days to go, I am working hard, still jogging (slowly and painfully), riding the bike, doing upper body and core. Wouldn't mind losing these extra 5 pounds.
Dr. Su
RBHR 4/9/12


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2012, 04:42:56 PM »
Spent the day yesterday in NY doing pre-op testing etc.  We had to leave the house @ 5:30 AM to catch the train into NYC.  The lack of sleep (havnt been sleeping well due to thinking about this and my job stresses), is giving me a scratchy throat.  I imagine my surgery will be cancelled if I am sick.   :(
Dr. Su
RBHR 4/9/12


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2012, 05:11:37 PM »
You'll be good Arrojo...unless you have some massive infection going on...
Try to stay calm and positive...
RBHR Dr. Su 8/29/2011


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2012, 10:01:54 AM »
You'll be fine, Arrojo - try to relax and let the pros take care of you. After the surgery comes your payoff, and the recuperation work to make it good.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2012, 10:00:53 AM »
So I've been battling really bad tree pollen allergies all week. Coughing up phlegm and stuff. Today I woke up, threw up and have a 100.4 fever. :-(
Dr. Su
RBHR 4/9/12


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2012, 01:31:04 PM »
Just got off the phone w/ dr Su office. It's a 'grey area'. My fever is back down, so they (and I) don't want to cancel surgery just yet. We'll just have to see Mon. morning.
Dr. Su
RBHR 4/9/12


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2012, 09:37:07 AM »
Good luck, man. Hopefully it clears up enough that you'll be able to go.

Worst case, you delay, take some more time to prep for the surgery and still come out good in a very short time. Nothing bad in either, just annoyance and dealing with the OA a bit longer. Thinking good thoughts for you.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2012, 11:01:42 AM »
I had a mild sinus infection about 5 days prior to surgery.  I went to a Doc-in-a-box clinic in a CVS pharmacy, and talked the nice nurse-practitioner into giving me antibiotics.  Cleared it right up. 
- Right Biomet uncemented HR with Dr. Gross on 1/11/2012
- Left Biomet uncemented HR with Dr. Gross on 10/28/2020



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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2012, 11:25:18 AM »
Hope it was a go...
RBHR Dr. Su 8/29/2011

Tin Soldier

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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2012, 03:44:20 PM »
Hope you get the surgery Arrojo.  I've been running several times per week for a couple months, and even do a little springin/speed work.  Feels great.  Not sure if I'll ever have the wheels like I did a few years ago, but I'm ok with that. 
LBHR 2/22/11, RBHR 8/23/11 - Pritchett.


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2012, 09:52:04 PM »
Hello from Arrojos hospital bed! Did indeed have it done today. Dr. Su told me this morning, the worst that could happen due to my past week is that I'd feel lousy. I told him I am already going to feel lousy! Lets just do it!

At 4:00 I was in a lot of pain. But now (10:00) I feel pretty good! I am even doing leg exercises in bed (ankle pumps and heel drags).  I know I know don't overdo it. Walking tomorrow!
Dr. Su
RBHR 4/9/12


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Re: Just want to run again - 4/9 with Dr. Su
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2012, 06:10:24 AM »
Congrats Arrojo...
RBHR Dr. Su 8/29/2011



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Mont Hip Resurfacing Surgeon Baltimore MD

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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