Fellow Hippies, I'll update more fully in my Blog, but wanted to announce that I am home from my right hip resurfacing. It is quite a mix of emotions and sensations, but a brief synopisis is that after waking from surgery, the spinal block had me feeling deceptively well (I think I made a number of jokes with the surgical team). The day after was all that you could fear: pain, discomfort, nausea, disorientation, helplessness, a grand mix of unpleasant experiences. I did however manage to use a walker to make it to my chair. I was convinced that I would be in no fit state to make it home in 2 more days.
Well, the day after I felt just a little better, progressed from walker to two crutches for PT. Managed to do the entire program and took the practice steps twice. Still, pain medication made it all possible.
The following day I was preparing to return home. PT had me practice with one crutch for a few steps (not easy). But after a brief car ride I made it back to the house with the help of family and friends. I find I am able to get around with crutches, but wish I could use just one (so I could carry my coffee to the table). For pain, I'm down to one pill every 5 hours or so, would like to resort to Advil, but I'm not sure of its impact on healing. Will ask the doctor.
The value of returning home is not having anyone wake you up 3 times a night to get your vitals... I only woke once to make it to the bathroom. So, will see what this week has to bring.
In general, I'd say "ouch", but I'll