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Sleeping on back causes pain
« on: April 06, 2008, 09:41:27 AM »
 this is my 1st post here I had bhr on my left hip 4/2 the one issue I have is: I also have a bulging disc @ l5-s1 I have had cortisone injections prior to my bhr. My hip pain is VERY tolerable but sleeping on my back has created very severe pain in my leg due to the pressure on this disc. Both my  hip & spine doc agreed that my favoring my hip for years has greatly contributed to my hip & that it should clear up as my rehab continues. I have complete confidence with both these orthos, but I was wondering how others have dealt with this type of pain.

Pat Walter

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Re: Sleeping on back causes pain
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2008, 10:07:27 AM »
Hi Kevin

I gave you your own topic so people can start a new discission about sleeping on their backs.

Welcome to Hip Talk.

I was able to sleep on my unoperated side at about 5 days post op with a big pillow between my legs.  You might want to ask your doctor if you can try that.  It really helps even if you only are on your side for  an hour or so.

I also spend a lot of time in my recliner chair.  That seemed to feel much better on my back than my bed.  Something else you might try.

Many of us also have back problems.  I have degenerated discs and moving in just the right way will put me down in bed for days.  I can't hardly walk. 

The doctors say that you back problem will get better when your hip heals, but it just takes a long time.  You body has been out of balance for so long that it doesn't just re-adjust after the hip replacement.

I hope you can sleep on your side or get into a soft recliner.  Maybe that will help.

Good Luck and keep in touch. 

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Sleeping on back causes pain
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2008, 01:30:13 PM »
I had a bad lower back also but it has gotten better since the hip was fixed 4 months ago
after surgery I slept on my back with a pillow between my legs and a couple pillows under my knees
that seemed to take some of the torque off the lower back and didn't  hurt my recovery


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Re: Sleeping on back causes pain
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2008, 08:59:12 PM »

I am now working through my 4th week post op after having my right hip resurfaced by Dr. Gross and also found it very difficult to sleep flat on my back due to some chronic right side siatica problems. I was also told this pain had probably been caused by my favoring the bad right hip for some time. As did Pat, I also found sleeping with a big pillow between my knees helped, and it allowed me to rotate to my left side (for temporary periods at first) which took some pressure off of my lower back. As the days went by I was also eventually able to sleep a little on that left side and also lay on my stomach some around the end of the second week. Any position seemed to be better than laying flat on my back.

Also during the first week or so after my surgery I benefited from a large sofa cushion placed underneath both of my lower legs at the foot of the bed. This not only elevated my legs to keep the swelling down around the incision but took the pressure off of my lower back. Lee Webb, RNP, Dr. Gross's assistant, suggested this to "keep my toes above my nose" as she put it.  It works.

One other thing; I purchased a Zero Gravity Chair and had it placed in front of the big screen in the den to lounge and sleep during the first couple of weeks. I still use it today to get my legs to heart level and to take the pressure from my lower back. I found these chairs in the Cabela's catalog as Chaise Lounger chairs but you may be able to purchase one locally as well. To me, the chair has made my recovery much more tolerable.

By the way... It gets much better very fast! I'm sleeping in any position with reasonable comfort now other than directly on that right side now at 4 1/2 weeks.  I believe the PT (including walking, walking, walking) is the key along with the normal healing process.

Good luck Kevin.


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Re: Sleeping on back causes pain
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2008, 10:22:15 PM »
this is my 1st post here I had bhr on my left hip 4/2 the one issue I have is: I also have a bulging disc @ l5-s1 I have had cortisone injections prior to my bhr. My hip pain is VERY tolerable but sleeping on my back has created very severe pain in my leg due to the pressure on this disc. Both my  hip & spine doc agreed that my favoring my hip for years has greatly contributed to my hip & that it should clear up as my rehab continues. I have complete confidence with both these orthos, but I was wondering how others have dealt with this type of pain.

The physical therapist I am going to suggested a "foam wedge" (approximately 12" tapering to 3" high over an approximate 24" length) placed such that the higer end abuts your butt and the lower end supports your ankles (depending on the length of your leg).  You can also achieve a similar cofiguration with pillows.  Having your knees higher then your ankles seems to take stress off the lower back.


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Re: Sleeping on back causes pain
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2008, 10:01:24 AM »
thanks for the info I will try anything right now


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Re: Sleeping on back causes pain
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2008, 02:42:47 AM »
after 9 years of progressing discomfort I am scheduled for resurfacing (right hip for now .. left next year, perhaps) May 15th w. Dr
Lannin (palo alto). have been sleeping on my side w. large (and or folded) pillow between my legs for several years.   pain has only recently reached the point of losing sleep & hurting my back.   I plan to order a nine inch round BOLSTER from a web site recommended by my yoga instructor; huggermugger.com   I think this will help much NOW and after surgery.    a good bolster, in the $65-range, seems like a great investment.   plan to sleep on my back w. bolster under my knees or near my bum.  -Michael

Pat Walter

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Re: Sleeping on back causes pain
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2008, 09:03:13 AM »
Hi Michael

Having a stack of pillows or bolster under you legs really helps after surgery.  I used great big pillows when I was in Belgium.  The rule over there is "toes above nose"   I also did a lot of napping in my recliner chair.  Even slept some nights there. 

I still use a pillow between my legs because it helps my back and my knees are very tender.  I used a larger one just after surgery, but 2 years later still find it more comfortable to have a pillow.  I know another surface hippy that does the same thing.  It seems that many of us with hip problems, also have knee and back problems too.

I was able to start sleeping on my unoperated side about 5 days post op.  That helps if you only spend a half hour on your side to give your back a rest.  Some people are able to sleep on the stomachs.  There have been some at a few weeks post op able to sleep on the operated side.  I could not do that for several months.  Everyone is different.

I wish you the best of luck with your upcoming surgery.  Keep in touch.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet



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