Oh goodness a lot can happen in a couple of days! Was a bit nervous so they let my hubby come into the anaesthetic room. Woke up in recovery talking a million miles an hour. Apparently the femoral head was horrid, despite not showing up on X-ray or MRI. Bless mr Villar, he treated me the patient not the X-rays. Eternally grateful for my new life that s about to start. The block was wearing off and I got very itchy, morphine doesn't do much for my pain but also makes me itch, probably because I've been on long term opiate painkillers. Well the pain got worse and worse, they gve me OxyContin which made me feel sick but didn't touch it, I spent a lot of hours sobbing with pain and lost the small ability I'd had earlier to move my leg, I became very frightened that some thing was wrong, detached muscles, trapped nerves I was utterly panicking. Eventually they gave me something which knocked me out then took out my drain and I now feel like a whole new person. Of course it's sore, they id saw off a bit of my bone and stuff a metal thing in it. Have been in the chair without fainting (major achievement) and can move the leg again, so am looking forward to hobbling with the zimmer later! Thank goodness day 1 is over with!