Hi Everyone!
I am so glad I found your site. My name is Lisa and I am 48 years old. I am not an athlete like many others on the site but before my hip injury I played golf, exercised regularly, and considered myself to be in pretty good shape.
In August of 2006, I was broadsided in an automobile accident. I had pain everywhere including my right hip. I discounted the pain in my hip thinking it would eventually go away like my neck and shoulder but it never did. I went to see an orthopedic doctor and was diagnosed with trochantor bursitis and received a steroid injection. I still had pain 30 days later and received a second injection. The pain never subsided so I saw another physician in his practice and was diagnosed with sacroiliac joint dysfunction where I was given 3 pain blocks. I still had pain and went to a hip specialist in who ordered an MRI (without dye) to rule out a labrum tear which came back negative. He ordered PT that only aggravated it than gave me an injection into the hip joint where I felt immediate relief. He said there was nothing more he could do.
Frustrated, I went to my son's sports medicine physician and on my exam he said he would bet money that I had a labrum tear. He ordered an Arthogram MRI and HE WAS RIGHT!!!! I immediately had arthroscopic surgery on 2/19/08 to repair the tear, however, the surgeon also found significant cartilage damage on my femur caused by the accident trauma. He derided the head of my femur and said if I don't heal in six months, the next option could possibly be hip replacement.
It's been 9 weeks since the surgery and I am even more miserable than before the surgery. PT aggravates my hip and groin and I sleep an average of 4 hours per night. My new best friend is my icepack.
My question??? Has anyone had unsuccessful arthroscopic surgery to clean up cartilage, which lead to hip resurfacing or replacement or another words, IS THERE LIGHT AT THE END OF THIS TUNNEL???