Update, 2 weeks since mri, no results yet. How long does it take I wonder ? Dr said 7-10 days, my guess is there behind due to the holidays. The symptoms are not getting any better. The symptoms are swelling, knocking, clunking, "racheting ?" it feels like it hangs up and then "skips", especially rocking side to side, and it hurts. Sitting produces a dull toothache kind of pain, if I walk or stand for any length of time the clunking and pain increase, my butt cheek and back of my thigh feel swolen and cooler to the touch than the un-operated side, and it feels like there is fluid gathering around my foot as the day goes on, by the end of the day my foot is swolen (not bad, but definately noticable) and I feel kind of blah overall, not as much energy as I used to have and I don't sleep well at all. I've tried doing stretching and strength exercises everyday, every other day, 2 x a week, and sometimes not at all. I've tried resting and icing as well as doing nothing. trying to find the magic combo to decrease the symptoms, doesn't seem to matter, seems to go downhill no matter what. Doing nothing is the worst, if I stay off it and try to rest it for a few days it gets worse everytime, daily strength exercises and stretching produce the best results. It feels like the muscles just can't maintain any strength, like whatever progress I make working on the bowflex and stretching in the spa goes instantly back to zero if I rest it for 3 or 4 days. The increase in symptoms and the fairly recent addition of fluid gathering in my foot now has me concerned to say the least, and I'm really tired of being in limbo and hearing, "Leave it in for awhile longer, come back in 6 months" I think I just want this thing outta me so I can get on with my life, or figure out whats causing the problems cause like I said, I've tried every training/resting combo I can think of and making zero headway. Waiting 2 weeks for mri results has been extra special as well, wait wait wait wait wait, 4 years we've been waiting to see if it gets better, I'm convinced it's not gonna, just waiting for the mri..... Anyway hope everyone had a good Christmas ! I'll get it worked out one way or another and will let you know what the mri says, whenever the f*#k that is

. Hope everyone has a great holiday season and 2013 is your best year yet ! Talk to you later, Bill