Before surgery for several years, I would notice a radiating sensation down my leg past my knee to about mid calf. Not a terrible pain, just a sensation with a little soreness. I figured it was the hip pain, but I also suspected it was the nerve that runs through the leg (cant think right now) getting agrivated a little. I had been taking so much Ibupropen, that pain would often go away even though the hip pain may only get a mild soothing from the Ibupropen. Once I had surgery, the hip part of the pain went away, and I could still feel the lower part sometimes. Also a few weeks after surgery a BIG difference, is that I rarely took anything for pain for my hip anymore. Due to that, the other parts of me were needing some meds. While not like the hip pain, everything else started to feel sore after the hip was fixed. Law of nature, is that the pain moves to the next most vulnerable spot. In my case, its feet and knees.