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What is Over doing it?
« on: February 13, 2013, 07:53:08 AM »
Mr McMinn told me at my last check up that I could get on with my life as normal but because of my crush fracture I must not do sports which include running and I MUST NOT OVER DO IT.

So off I go getting on with my life lifting up a chocolate vending machine and carrying round the corner. Ooops over did it both hips uncomfortable and back caning for a week.
Hips got better back got better.
So off I go on a Sea Survival course, being the strongest swimmer in the group I was the first man to get to the raft and right it then preceeded to pull 12 other people into the raft with me.

Oops over did it again, this time though it was just my left hip which has not been done yet giving me grief and keeping me awake.

Trouble is getting on with my normal life includes doing things that Mr McMinn probably hasn't thought about.

What is over doing it? I was out on the lifeboat last friday, is walking along a deck whilst the boat is bouncing along at 35 knotts normal or overdoing it? For a lifeboat man it is normal.
That didn't play me up.

Don't think he should have told me to get on with my normal life. I shift furniture lift beer kegs work 70+ hours a week a lot on my feet and volunteer as a Lifeboat man.

RBHR Mr McMinn 6th December 2011.
Tripped and crushed head under cap 31st January 2012.
Self repairing.

Mike D

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Re: What is Over doing it?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 10:50:20 AM »
Jas, from the sound of that you've got to protect what you've got.
In an ideal world you hippies can do iron man challenges, martial arts, running etc but with your crush fracture it sounds like the heavy lifting is too much at the moment.
The Physio I'm seeing has been telling me how important these core exercises are and as I'm in the building trade it will really benefit me to strengthen my back and legs in general-maybe this could help you?
The heavy lifting sounds like a lot of pressure on that new joint,Jas-is there any chance of looking at ways of avoiding it in the future?
Right Ceramic THR
Ronan Treacy   Birmingham R.O.H
8 August 2012


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Re: What is Over doing it?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 10:56:05 AM »
Tough question Jason. Depends on the impact of the crush fracture, I would think, but you've obviously done some things already not quite covered by the "no sports including running".

Vending machine carrying seems to be one extreme that was a simple setback. I ran into the same thing about the time you're at now when combining weighted leg presses and doing the treadmill in the same workout. That set me back twice (about a week to recoup) when I first started doing them, it is not a problem now, a year later.

The sea survival course incident sounds like the HR hip got through with flying colors, just pain on the other, original equipment version.

I treated overdoing it as anything that laid me up a bit. I was able to recover from it, but held back for a bit or maybe lowered the intensity of what I was doing and ramped it up slowly until my body was able to handle it.

So instead of a whole chocolate vending machine, you could start with one chocolate bar, then many, then a box of chocolates, then a small vending machine...  ;D

Have you talked to Mr. McMinn and told him the different things you do, and what he thinks is doable early, what later and what may not be good to do ever? My surgeon cleared the decks at one year, but I did not have the crush fracture you've dealt with. You've beaten the odds and are probably going to be fully cleared at some point, but I know at one year I still had strength / setback issues. They are mostly gone now, and evaporated along the way.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder


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Re: What is Over doing it?
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2013, 04:38:09 AM »
People around me keep telling me off for doing things but I don't want to be an old man yet. That was the whole idea of the HR if I feel good then I am doing it. Life is too short to act like an old git I can do that later. I could drop down dead tomorrow so will live for today and pay later.

I know from reading posts that an awful lot of Hippies out there are of a similar mind set.
RBHR Mr McMinn 6th December 2011.
Tripped and crushed head under cap 31st January 2012.
Self repairing.


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Re: What is Over doing it?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2013, 09:21:40 AM »
I have found that - in my case - you don't know what "overdoing" it is until you overdo it.  Then you know.

Typically, for me, it is when I'm doing an activity or movement that is completely new, even after a year.  If I do an exercise that I haven't done, I find that I'm sore in a very specific place. 

As for the crush fracture.....it's been a year.  Is this something that will never quite heal back to  full strength, or are you susceptible to fractures in general?
- Right Biomet uncemented HR with Dr. Gross on 1/11/2012
- Left Biomet uncemented HR with Dr. Gross on 10/28/2020



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Re: What is Over doing it?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2013, 01:37:46 PM »
Definition - "Over doing it"  is the activity or sport performed that cause pain and discomfort in your hip for 2-4 days.  Usually followed by concern and the feeling that you damaged your new hip.  Usually followed by a call to the Dr and a feeling of "why did I do that".   Activities are usually defined as something I did when I was much younger, much lighter, and had good original hips.

Typically the pain goes away after a week or less and we proceed to "Over due it" again.   :)

L-BHR - Aug 2008 - Dr. Brooks  Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
R-BHR - Dec 2012 - Dr. Brooks  Cleveland Clinic Euclid Hospital
L-BHR Revision Nov 2017 - Dr. Brooks Euclid

Tin Soldier

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Re: What is Over doing it?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2013, 04:58:36 PM »
like leaping off a sand dune and falling nearly 30 feet to land in "soft/loose" sand, or maybe jumping off a cliff with skii's on to land in "soft/loose" snow, or maybe jumping off the roof of the house where a small hill comes up near it thinking you're not that far off the ground, but realizing afterward that gravity accelerates you a lot faster than you think, or how about showing off your hacky sack skills in front of the college dorm and trying a Ray Charles and and totally throwing your hip out, :o....Got many more where that came from.     
LBHR 2/22/11, RBHR 8/23/11 - Pritchett.


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Re: What is Over doing it?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2013, 10:44:50 AM »
I have found that - in my case - you don't know what "overdoing" it is until you overdo it.  Then you know.

Typically, for me, it is when I'm doing an activity or movement that is completely new, even after a year.  If I do an exercise that I haven't done, I find that I'm sore in a very specific place. 

As for the crush fracture.....it's been a year.  Is this something that will never quite heal back to  full strength, or are you susceptible to fractures in general?

I am not prone to fracture far from it. The crush was due to doing too much too soon then tripping. My head has reformed under the BHR cap but as it all shifted back by 1 cm or just under 1/2 inch in old money, the new reformed head isn't the shape it should be so although I seem to have recovered there is a possibility that it may still come off. The longer I stay in one piece the more likely it will stay that way. My target is three years then McMinn is of the opinion that is I get to Three then I should make 10 and onwards.
RBHR Mr McMinn 6th December 2011.
Tripped and crushed head under cap 31st January 2012.
Self repairing.



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Mont Hip Resurfacing Surgeon Baltimore MD

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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