Tough question Jason. Depends on the impact of the crush fracture, I would think, but you've obviously done some things already not quite covered by the "no sports including running".
Vending machine carrying seems to be one extreme that was a simple setback. I ran into the same thing about the time you're at now when combining weighted leg presses and doing the treadmill in the same workout. That set me back twice (about a week to recoup) when I first started doing them, it is not a problem now, a year later.
The sea survival course incident sounds like the HR hip got through with flying colors, just pain on the other, original equipment version.
I treated overdoing it as anything that laid me up a bit. I was able to recover from it, but held back for a bit or maybe lowered the intensity of what I was doing and ramped it up slowly until my body was able to handle it.
So instead of a whole chocolate vending machine, you could start with one chocolate bar, then many, then a box of chocolates, then a small vending machine...

Have you talked to Mr. McMinn and told him the different things you do, and what he thinks is doable early, what later and what may not be good to do ever? My surgeon cleared the decks at one year, but I did not have the crush fracture you've dealt with. You've beaten the odds and are probably going to be fully cleared at some point, but I know at one year I still had strength / setback issues. They are mostly gone now, and evaporated along the way.