I got carried away yesterday and got down on hands and knees, got shoulder deep in a compartment of my boat, and installed a battery. I tried not to break Dr. G's 90 degree rule. Bottom line, I think it streched out my gluts and they felt good today. Bad news is that where my quads attach at the top of my thighs were killing me last night until mid-day today.
Late this afternoon I walked 1.5 miles on a paved, measured trail. It wasn't without some discomfort, but it wasn't bad. It took about 34 - 35 minutes. Not too speedy. I carried the cane, but never had to use it.
I picked up the Lunesta and hope I will finally sleep tonight.
This is not to brag at all, but I want others to know that they will make fast progress if the do their exercises religiously. I thank God every day that he created this surgery and the drugs to make it tolerable.
Dr. Gross
Lefty 6/23/08
Righty 6/25/08
Age - Older than dirt, but who's counting