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Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« on: March 28, 2013, 12:43:58 PM »
Following Pats request, I have started a new story here in ' Hip Stories' below is my run-down of events surround my HR with Koen DeSmet.

Hi.....just left the Hospital some 4 hrs ago. The following represents a quick rundown on what you can expect:
On arrival at the Jan Palfjin you are met with 'controlled chaos' due to an ongoing major overhaul / building work at the facility. Nonseless you will be processed and in your assigned bed within 1 hour. The usual vampires come almost immediately demanding their  promised blood  ::)followed by all manner of other checks. Xrays in the bowels of the building follow, and this is where Dr.DeSmet caught up with me and one other' Soon To Be' surface hippy. He put any remaing concerns of mine to rest.....period.
Back to bed, and a visit from the aneasthesiologist followed. Having expressed my wish to enter the surgery theather wide-awake, with no pre-meds, we were set for tuesday and the main event.
Remarkably, I slept like the proverbial Baby !
Tuesday, some 45 minutes before surgery, i was collected and taken to a prep room for the requisite 'plumbing'. All performed by highly competent people. Being pushed into the op theater and a (very) quick chat with some staff there, the lights went out. No drama, no.......nothing.......you simply, pleasantly fall asleep. This was my first ever full aneastetic at age 58. I' do it again tomorrow.
Waking up comes unceremoniously, accompanied by some pain......and a new friend!  The new friend is a BUTTON......for pain relief. If things are a little tougher than you like, press the button.....just like that.......sorted!
2 hours (roughly) in recovery and you are back in your previous ward......not that you care, because you have a new friend .......LOL   ;)
Managed to stay awake (sort of) to say hello to my better half and make all the right noises and off to sleep i went. You get interrupted only by the required nursing checks....I slept well.
Day 1 post op  brought checks, more checks, icepacks, followed by more icepacks.........oh and physio therapy..... Now, that got my attention, as it was (initially) much tougher than anticipated. My final assessment yesterday evening was, that i must be turning into a right whimp!
However, salvation was at hand ! Hospital physio on Day 2 post op was MUCH easier/ better / to perform. Things appear to move forward at a great rate of speed. Now back at the Hotel, i have just received a call informing me that my Nurse will visit around 7.00 pm. Oh goodie, new dresseing and the usual blood-thinning shot (to prevent Thrombosis/bloodclots).
This will be followed by daily physio.
So, where am I ? I still find swinging my leg off the bed ( in the prescribed manner) somewhat challenging, but can get about on two crutches without much drama. Getting up after sitting for a while too has some discomfort attached, but things appear to get better all the time.
All in all.......I am soooooooo pleased!
Watch this space....and ask any questions you may have.


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2013, 01:25:30 PM »
Bo, it sounds great. You're having a good beginning. Excellent news.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder

Pat Walter

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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2013, 06:34:34 PM »

Sounds like you are making progress and doing well.  It takes times, but you will move forward in little plateaus. 

Thanks for sharing your story. Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.........one for the Gents ?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2013, 03:38:57 AM »
Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere, certainly cannot recall it. Post op i quickly became aware of an apparent issue with my........eh......' Plumbing '
This manifested itself as follows and initially gave me some serious concern .  :-[
1 day post op, the nursing staff took a keen interest in my ability to pass water (if you are squimish, easily offended, read something else....or grow up  ???) point was, i felt I needed to, but could not. This situation changed drastically on day 2. From, not being able to, it became I need to go NOW. Not funny and led to several undignified 'scrambles' to the washroom. Around this time I disvovered a very tender area around my pelvic bone. Subseqent enquiries revealed that, in order to dis-locate your hip during the op proceedure, considerable pressure has to be applied to the area described. It can cause substantial bruising , affecting the functionality of this area. This is (apparently) known to cause a number of such fortunately , short term issues. It sure rattled me somewhat and I felt the lack of such info in advance was a regrettable omission!  :'(
Having just started day 3 post op, I am aware of a little improvement with this issue. Long may it continue !!! I have no knowledge if the superior species ( The Ladies , guys... ::)) suffer any such problems, but thought it worth while to let the 'Boys' perusing this forum, know.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 03:41:49 AM by 13.1man »


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2013, 06:13:38 AM »
Congratulations on your operation at the hands of Dr De Smet.

Hope the plumbing issue resolves itself very quickly.

Following my operation I was seconds away from being fitted with a catheter to assist me, but miraculously flowed naturally as the doctor with apparatus in hand approached!
rbhr 3 january 2013
mr ronan treacy
royal orthopaedic hospital, birmingham, england


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2013, 07:26:02 AM »
Thanks for the well wishes Evant !
Funny enough, a mention of the dreaded instrument seemed to at least make my plumbing ' perform ' sufficiently , for the nurses to forget about that cheerful option ! :-\


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2013, 09:50:58 AM »
yes, I was told by the nurse that it is common for men, mine said the spinal anaesthethic can cause numbness in the area.  After 8 hrs from the op I had not pee'ed so the nurse gave me an ultrasound and told me my bladder was not too full so she would give me another hour or two before she bought in the catheter.  Fortunately I broke the dam soon after.  You really have to work hard to get the right muscles to perform again for the first performance
Dr Kim Ottawa LHR Cementless C+ Feb 2013


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2013, 10:07:12 AM »
Hi Bo,

I was also given the ultimatum - release or be cathetered by the nurses. I thought it was a dire threat to be uttered with such pretty smiles and told them so  :'(.

Thankfully, it was averted and I wasn't catheterized (it pains me that there's even such a word). I didn't have the bruising you described, but we all are different, I'm sure it will clear up quickly.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2013, 11:46:53 AM »
Hey Hernanu
Like your descriptions ! I found out from one of the theater technicians/nurses that due to the good conditions of my leg muscles, they had to apply considerable force to effect the dislocation... :o
Sounds like I made them work !!!  ;D
Alls well that ends well. Took three good walks in Ghent today, covering resonable distances. Each walk terminated with a rest and icing period. Third one was harder, so cut it a bit shorter......Rome was not built in a Day !


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2013, 03:10:14 PM »
So.....OP+ 4 Days
Been going for good distance walks around beautiful historic Ghent. Dutyfully using two crutches, despite feeling that I actually walk better with just one. All this despite the unusual freezing cold weather!
The issue with the 'plumbing' is resolving itself and no longer a real concern.
Biggest issue at this stage? CRAMPS !!! I have , throughout my sporting life had common , occasional cramp. Nothing to prepare me for the cramps of the last two days.... :-[
Any slight pull on the operated legs (such as pulling your slip-on shoes off) seems to trigger yet another mind-boggling cramp. Usually starts in the (op leg) behind and just above the knee , and then swells to a crescendo at the top of my hamstring. Also had a couple of cramps affecting my quads.  :( ....Tear-inducing stuff, I assure you......almost !
Got some medication from the nurse this evening and we'll see how that works.
Physio is going well and the therapist appears amazed at how much I can do....so all good! ::)
Some odd 'twinges' around the quads, but nothing unexpected or to get exited about just yet.
Onward and upward or something like that........isn't it ?  ;D


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....1week Post-op
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2013, 02:20:30 AM »
7 DAYS since op , feeling good, getting around Ghent in the unseasonal weather. If it is very cold / windy, this seems to affect the scar / incision area and introduce unrequited pain. A quick warm up takes care of this. We  dined wit a lovely lady and son (resident in .Mexico I believe ) who we first saw during admission in Hospital. There, she could hardly walk, or certainly walked with considerable pain and discomfort. To see her last night, barely requiring the use of 1 crutch, was a delight and a very humbling moment.
The cramping issue appears to be diminishing,,,,,,thank god for that (and no- I am not a religious person)
Little 'aches , pains ans Twiches , come and go........no worries on that score. The incisiot is looking good 8)......evennif i do say so myself! ::)
Support staff (Nurse and physio ) continue to be First Class,  highly proffessional and totally dedicated! Hats of to Jan and Linda  :D :D :D
Bo 8) 8)


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2013, 04:53:22 AM »
You're doing well, and glad you're taking in the beauty of Ghent.

You're a little unlucky with the low temperatures - it's the coldest March for 50 years here in the UK.

rbhr 3 january 2013
mr ronan treacy
royal orthopaedic hospital, birmingham, england


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2013, 02:16:24 PM »
Another day, another series of walks. Now at OP plus 8 days. Several long(ish) walks today and my ITB is being mischieveous . Getting some nippy 'Jabs' at outer mid-thigh and near knee. Liveable but painful all the same. Not really unexpected though, as I have had tight ITB's anyway. Physio shares my view and offered that 'well muscled individuals' (assume she includes me in this ;-) are a little more prone to this. Have dialled in an easy day for tomorrow , to allow things to settle a bit.
Throughout post-op period, I have suffered no (visible) bruising....and no discernable swelling. Not sure if this is in part due to my icing regime, or just plain luck? Scar looks great and does not appear  capable of providing future boasting value  :-[......lol


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Re: Dr DeSmet March 26th.....
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2013, 09:52:03 AM »
Probably due to both, Bo.

On the cramps, make sure you drink lots of water. You may be dehydrated, you need to help your body as much as possible now.

I had the same ITB issues. Try some light massage of the outside if you can. Longer term, you will probably benefit from a roller on the IT band. It helped me immesurably, after the initial torture.

Only use that when everything is healed though; I started on it at 3 months or so.

Sounds really good. Everyone is different, you'll hit some setbacks, we all did - if and when you do, it is normal.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder



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