I think that's a common concern/question. Like Chuck and others said, I think you shouldn't be too concerned about it. Regardless of what direction you go, early on in the pre-op room you'll likely be given a narcotic and/or a benzo like valium. After that you won't care what they do to. I had a narcotic and it was pretty mellowing, went to the OR, then I moved myself to the table with the help of the staff, then spinal went in and legs went numb, then the benzo Versed was given for the light general, bascially slept or thought I did, from there on out. Snappilly returned to reality in the OR as they finished up.
I think the spinal with light general is the way to go though. As folks have pointed out you'll probably feel more normal quicker in recovery. Good luck.
BTW - talk to the anesthiologist, you'll probably be consulting with them in the pre-op, they're there by your side walking through all this as you go to sleep. Very comforting