I had clunking for quite a while.
Fairly often early on (up to about 8 months), much less so later (about 10 months and beyond). To me it meant that your smaller muscles are not quite there yet. At four months, they shouldn't be, I would think.
My worst clunking was having just gotten up, brushing my teeth or shaving in front of the mirror. I don't know if it was because of the tightness of just getting up, because the bathroom is quieter and you just notice it more, or because shaving causes clunking
So maybe you need to do some things to help them strengthen.
Leg lifts were a constant part of my therapy to all points of the compass (front, side, back, inside). I used a band around a chair leg, slipped one ankle in and used the band as resistance. Only until moderate resistance. Then I would repeat 15 times, 3 sets.
I also got a slide board, which simulates skating. Scary at first, since you are sliding across about 7 ft, wearing the goofiest booties around your sneakers. It does strengthen the muscles that may not be exercised by the forward motion of walking or even running.
I think juggling also helped me. It's fun to learn and causes that shifting of the body to keep balls in the air. I also later did soccer juggling, but that's a different animal altogether.
Balacing on one leg, first on the floor, then on a throw pillow also gets those muscles involved without too much big muscle intervention.
I don't think you should avoid clunking, it's just a fact of hippy life, just do the things to strengthen those muscles. It will go anyways, but we can help it along.