I have been an avid biker for many years. In the latter part of 2009 I began getting pain
in the left hip area. It was moderately annoying during biking and quite severe while
walking. My primary care MD ordered radiographs and I was found to have severe
arthritic degeneration of the left hip and early degeneration on the right. I consulted
with several orthopods in my area and they were quick to recommend hip surgery with
a rod down my leg. I had heard of Dr. Sharat Kusuma through a mutual friend.
He actually trained with the innovators of the Birmingham Resurfacing technique
in Birmingham, England. I had the preliminary radiographs, blood work and bone scan
in Florida. I flew up to Columbus, Ohio on a Monday, had the surgery on Tuesday,
was up and walking on Thursday, and flew back to Florida on Friday. The experience
was wonderful. I was told what to expect, saw computerization of his placement
technique and was made to feel very comfortable about the whole procedure.
Dr. Kusuma is truly a gifted individual. My discomfort was minimal and on Monday
I was back at work doing root canals. My office happens to be on the 2nd floor
and I had no problem with the stairs. The Only downside was that he would only allow me on a training bike for a few months before again getting on the road. He was awesome and I was so impressed that I returned before the end of the year to get the right side done. Wasn't experiencing any pain but why postpone the inevitable. By the way, I turn 73 next week on the same day as my 50 year college reunion.