Finished the HOT Raleigh, NC IM 70.3 race this Sunday.
Based on my running improvement up to date, I was hoping for better.
Swim was good. 32'
Bike was good. Rolling hilly course and tried to be conservative on the uphills to prevent the glutes from fatiguing too quickly. 2:38
Knew the run was not happening from step one. Glutes were seizing the entire 13.1 m. Walked all of the uphills and ran the flats and downhills. Averaged 10:15/mile. When running I was good, but was unable to sustain without 3-4 minute walk breaks each mile. 5:29 finish.
I don't know exactly why, but I'm thinking the lack of heat training and acclimatization contributed a bit to the early fatigue. It's a weird feeling, it's good, it's good, it's good, then bam, the muscle firing just shuts down and have to walk to get it firing again.
Going to concentrate on more strengthening and shorter distances for the summer until I attempt the WC 70.3 in Las Vegas 9/13.
Going to keep at it, try to listen to the body and not go beyond what it wants to do comfortably. Push when I can and rest when needed.