Hi Kim.
You will find that most of the US doctors are very conservative in their post op protocol. Only a few of the US doctors have done a large amount of resurfacings and the newer doctors just don't have the experience, the more experienced surgeons do. Most of the experienced doctors I know of allow you to be 100% weight-bearing right after surgery. Of course, this is not possible, but it only takes a few days to start being almost full weight-bearing. Most of the doctors feel that the full weight-bearing encourages bone growth. Some of the newer doctors are very conservative and prefer you to be partial weight-bearing.
I was 61, when I had my hip resurfacing. I had a loss of bone density and cysts. The overseas doctors, like Dr. BOSE, and Dr. De Smet said I was a good candidate. The US doctors would have preferred given me a THR. I tell you the story to illustrate how differently doctors think. If you don't like what one doctor is telling you, I would suggest you find another one. Since you want to be very active and dance after your hip resurfacing, I would suggest you find a very experienced surgeon. One that has done hundreds or thousands of hip resurfacings. That way, you will have a better chance to return to dancing as quickly as possible.
You can see a number of athletes stories on this page
http://www.surfacehippy.info/athletes.php and the videos on this page
http://www.surfacehippy.info/shvideos/videosathletes.php these are only a few of the very active in resurfacing patience. I do know of several dancers that have returned to dancing. Here is Ruth's story
I hope this gives you some idea what you can expect after hip resurfacing. Again, if you don't feel comfortable with your doctors post op protoco, look for another doctor. You should not have any lingering doubts.
Good luck!