Hi, I'm from Phoenix area, and like you, after research, I ended up seeing Dr.s in CA. I recall reading about somebody in Tucson specializing in hip resurfacing, so you might look into that. Sorry but I don't know the name.
I ended up making pre-op appointments with both Dr. Schmalzreid and Dr. Ball in San Diego.
San Diego had a lot of intangibles in favor or it, as opposed to LA (nicer hospital, relatives closer to hospital), but I also really like Dr. Ball. He's listed at 50 HRs on this site (I believe), but that number hasn't been updated in a while, and he did many more as a resident with Schmalzreid and Amstutz. There are a few "hip stories" under Dr. Ball; Pat posted mine, so if you're interested, there's more there.
I had both sides done a month apart, and I'm now 2 months out after my 2nd one. So far, so good. Over the past 2 weekends, I was able to redo our fence (with lots of help from my wife and kids). This involved 32 fence post holes dug, lots of cement mixing, 40 plus panels, a BIG job. I'm certainly not 100% after the surgery, but the cool thing is that while I get sore and tired from the work, I don't get the bone-on-bone hip ache, and at the end the day, and the following day, I don't have the residual aching that I used to get. I'm actually going to miss the healing phase where every few days you realize that you are able to something that used to do and then stopped because of the arthritis.
Good luck,