Hi Patm, I am 4 weeks out to the day, and with Dr. Brooks also. I was released on Fri from Euclid General and am doing fine. I to had mlld to moderate OA and by itself was not enough to make me a RBHR candidate. I also had a torn/detached labrum which did make me a candidate. The operation took a bit longer than planned due to my hip being worse than what the xrays/MRI showed, but never the less it was a success. Just a couple of things about the hospital stay that I experienced,
- started with pain med's every 2 hours, and they tried to wean me off sooner than I felt I should be, so I had to stay on top of the nurses for the med's.
- PT was good, but they didn't show how to get in/out of a car
- Constipation, I had to have some help with this before leaving (suppository) I know gross
- I did have a private room, the food was tolerable
- Get rest, and don't be shy asking for ICE. For me the swelling started on the 2nd day
Keep up on the PT, but don't overdue it in my opinion.
I am very much pleased with the results to-date, and even though Brooks is very conservative on restrictions, please try to follow them.