I have experienced Hell and never want to go back.
Quick background -- 48 yo female, active, 120 pounds, 5'4". Right HR this past Wednesday by dr. Gross. Good initial recovery. At home, no issues. Doing prescribed exercise, transitioning to one crutch in the house 5 days post op, but spending most of my time with toes to nose elevation and ice. Off all pain meds post op day 3. Walked my driveway and to one mailbox 2x.
About 10:00 last night I started experiencing muscle tightness in my right glute (I thought of the mentioned monkey fist I've heard described on this site). Yow! I hurt. But I switched positions, moved a little and it seemed better. By 10:30 that pain was becoming intolerable and spasms started. I took a Nucyenta. Unable to find a comfortable position I tried rolling onto my un operated side -- that didn't help. I tried ice -- no good either. By 11:30 I was experiencing muscle spasms down the inside thigh, quads, hamstring and outer calf. Hubby gave me another Nucyenta. No relief.
Now I've delivered 2 babies and passed a kidney stone. I have NEVER had pain like this in my life. I was scared I has popped my femoral neck (although couldn't imagine how)....finally at 1:30 am, somehow my husband got me in the car -- I was seriously delirious --- and he got me to our local ER. Thankfully he did bring a bag of all my post op hippy meds and Dr. Gross information.
The ER staff was great. They were gentle with my hip and didn't break any guidelines. They got an IV in me, drew some blood and check my hip/leg. It was clearly spasms as you could see the muscle clench and release as if they were keeping time. I was give Ativan and Dilaudid. I finally got some relief. The did do an ultrasound to rule out DVT -- this was negative thank god.
They tried to release me at 4:00 this morning, but the spasms started up again and this time a particularly bad one hit while I was in the wheelchair being wheeled to discharge -- I passed out. I woke back on the gurney, with another IV and received more Dilaudid, Tramadol, Zofran and Ativan in addition to 2L more of IV fluids. Finally at 7:30 am I was discharged home. I have hardly any recollection of how my hubby got me home, in bed or anything. All I know is he is one dedicated man and loves me very much!!!
I spoke with Nancy at Dr. Gross ' office when I woke up this afternoon. She was wonderful. Lee said that while muscle spasms are rare, they can occasionally occurs 3-5 days post op. we determined that I was not dehydrated, I was having a normal recovery, I had not attempted to over-do my exercise or be super-woman --- I was just one of the unlucky ones. She did say I had small, already tight musculature due to my years of exercise --- this may have caused the muscles to contract. Lee put me on Flexeril for the next 5 days to help.
So, while I am exhausted and I do feel like my recovery is now 3 days behind, I am feeling better and am grateful to my local hospital, to Nancy and Lee and all of Dr. Gross' staff and most of all to my husband--- I hope he and I never have to experience pain like that again. As difficult it was for me, I know he having to watch me and feel helpless was just as difficult.
Please know muscle spasms are real and can happen post op. I pray none of you have to experience it!