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Woot! Woot!
« on: August 24, 2013, 10:52:14 AM »
Six week post op and while I've been walking totally cane - less for 8 days now around the house and at work. I've been going to the gym and doing 15 minutes on the stationary bike and 15 minutes on the elliptical. Today though I meet a friend and we walked 3 miles -- steady pace, no limp at all and no OA pain. The muscles in the leg felt great and I seriously almost felt back to "normal"!! What a godsend.

My husband was running and caught up with us and said he thought my gait was tighter and better than he has seen in years. We all got so used to the slight, ever present limp I used to have.

Now, the twinges of pain I felt in the left hip socket did tell me that my surgery is December is the right choice!

To all those contemplating --- just do it! Walking painless on this beautiful day made me see how worth it this past 6 weeks of recovery has been. Can't wait until this time next year after both hops are done and I am in full recovery mode.
Right resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 7/11/13
Left resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 12/11/13


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Re: Woot! Woot!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2013, 10:58:52 AM »
That's great Juno! Even better to come.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder


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Re: Woot! Woot!
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2013, 08:24:38 AM »
YIPPEEEEE!! So pleased for you  :)
RTHR - 08/08/2013 -Mr johan witt, London


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Re: Woot! Woot!
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2013, 08:29:39 AM »
Great news, Juno!  I have an appointment with Dr. Brooks Sept. 19 and hope to have my left hip resurfaced sometime in November. Woke up in pain this morning.  Getting tired of it. So thank you for the "just do it" advice.  I need it, along with your great 6 week report!
LBHR, Dr. Brooks, Euclid, Ohio,  11/8/13


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Re: Woot! Woot!
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2013, 09:34:49 AM »
Thanks all! After my walk yesterday I did go do grocery shopping --- so let's say that by last night I was sore! But not a bad sore -- more muscle soreness. I iced for 20 minutes and then slept like a baby all night.

Another beautiful morning here in Atlanta, so I walked again outdoors -- did 40 minutes. Also, I've been doing light upper torso weights since week 3 and slowly upping the repetitions. Mind you I'm only using 8-10 pounds. The strength with return quicker than the ROM I think.

Staggering -- best of luck. Let us know how your appointment goes. I know exactly how you feel. It's terrible to wake up in pain. It's not a good way to start the day.

Anna -- how are you feeling?
Right resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 7/11/13
Left resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 12/11/13


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Re: Woot! Woot!
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2013, 11:04:11 AM »
Well done you are giving me something to look forward too brilliant.
Mr Mcminn 2013 August 20th Left BHR   (-:
Ronan Treacy January 2020 Right BHR


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Re: Woot! Woot!
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2013, 11:50:48 AM »
I'm doing pretty well thanks Juno  :) I have my first PT session on Wednesday so I'm looking forward to that as I need some harder exercises and something to work on. I'm also hoping they will give me the nod to get back on the stationary bike and start swimming. That would make my day! I have been walking a mile regularly on my crutches and am out quite a lot for meals and socialising so I feel pretty good. I just really want to start doing some exercises as I'm piling on the pounds  :-[

RTHR - 08/08/2013 -Mr johan witt, London


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Re: Woot! Woot!
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2013, 08:17:30 PM »
This is so great to hear. I am very encouraged by your good results. I hope I can say the same 3 weeks from now.


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Re: Woot! Woot!
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2013, 07:10:54 PM »
I just turned 50. Had severe hip pain for several months 2010. (Had frequent stiffness for a few years prior) Running (2-5 miles 4x week) became impossible. Working as a RN became equally increasingly difficult. Took multiple appointments with several providers to finally suggest I needed a MRI arthrogram (It was a chiropractor who was a world class marathoner).
Had hip arthroscopy/labral repair 5/2012-right hip and 8/2012-left hip at the Cleveland Clinic by Dr Rosneck. Ended up with a diagnosis of FAI in addition to bilateral labral tears. Had area of grade 4 arthritis in right hip and lesser damage in the left hip. (Right hip hurts significantly more) Did well until 2/13. Pain returned. Pain also getting worse in left hip but so far it is tolerable (although I cannot sleep on it).
MRI 8/13 on right hip showed another tear and bone spurs on the femur head.
Just got referred to Dr Brooks for possible hip resurfacing.
My goal is to return to running. No marathons, but really miss running 5K's. I was something that I did with my husband and sister. I'm not an elite athlete, just a recreational runner- mostly for the health benefits and fun. Not working at this time. Employer offered a buyout and I took it. I was in so much pain- not sure how much longer I could work.
How long did it take to get an appointment? Did you see Dr Brooks Physician's Assistant first??
How long did it take to get scheduled for surgery?
Any pointers for me as I move forward?
I plan to follow your progress!!
2/17/2014 RBHR Dr Brooks Cleveland Clinic
52mm cup  46mm head
LBHR planned for 6/19/2015: CANCELLED


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Re: Woot! Woot!
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2013, 05:16:14 PM »
Welcome to the site, Beth.. There are a good number of Dr. Brooks patients who will chime in, and many others who have returned to any number of levels of running.

In my experience, this procedure allows you to return to the activities and life you love. You have to choose your surgeon well and it is a recovery that you have to commit to, but it does work.

Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Mont Hip Resurfacing Surgeon Baltimore MD

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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