. 5 days since Mr Mcminn fitted my left hip with a BHR. As I expected all went well and my real challenge was the recovery in the weeks after ,, had a bad couple of days due to the pain relief I was on making me very ill dizzy so on ,,, morphine tramadol aspirin cocodamol ,,,, so decided Thursday morning to go with just paracetamol and aspirin ,,, not advised for everyone but I know I'm lucky with a high threshold. Once I had. few hours clear I was able to start physio and get out of bed ,, so at day 5 I'm just getting going with exercises and crutch walking . The joint feels very stable that was clear from the first day but the muscles are very week and my leg and glute muscles are swollen twice the size . It hurts still but I can see everyday I get more movement and more stamina . Think we all have to do this bit at our own pace but follow one rule little and often don't overdo it take your time. Hope I can help,anyone facing this procedure it's not easy but I know I already feel stronger In myself even though I can use my leg much yet..
I know reading what others have put helped me and still does .. Great site I hope I can keep telling my story .