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Up-Time @ One Week
« on: June 08, 2008, 12:25:18 PM »
I am one week out from single BHR. I am curious as to what others have experienced regarding their ability to "move about" at one week. I am able to walk with crutches approx. 1/4 mile. I can do all of the exercises prescribed to some degree or another. The most difficult and painful are side and back leg movement. Sitting is fine, except swelling is still prevalent so I tend to "list" to one side. Currently I find that I tire greatly after approx. three hours of general activity (walking, exercises, sitting, etc.).

Any feedback would be apprciated as I am trying to develop proper expectations to help smooth out the rollercoaster.

Thanks - DKM


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Re: Up-Time @ One Week
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2008, 04:18:44 PM »
Like host Pat always says, Everybody's different in their recovery. Sounds to me like you are doing a lot already, in comparison with me, way more!
I just had my second BHR a month ago and do the usual at home PT exercises. I crutch it to the end of my driveway and back (100 yards) about 5 times a day but my Dr. told me to keep the weight off my leg for a month like I did with the first one and since that worked out fine I'll follow his advice. Besides, the crutches hurt my armpits. He's only done about 30 of the operations so he's conservative. I guess I would suggest you not overdo it. Remember there are muscles and nerves in there that are healing and as far as I have learned the metal parts need time to grow into their new home. My wife's line to me is, "You've got 40 grand worth of surgery in there, don't screw it up by trying to do too much too fast." Get some good books and DVD's and kick back. You'll be fine in a month and as far as I can tell you won't lose that much muscle mass. Follow the three recovery rules: 90 degrees, no crossing your legs and don't turn that leg inwards. Good luck.


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Re: Up-Time @ One Week
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2008, 07:04:32 PM »
i'll agree with john and pat that everyone is different...but i have to say dkm, you are already doing way more than i was at 1 week. i was doing the pt exercises, but i didn't really start walking that much until week 2.

my surgeon is very conservative, so i was on 2 crutches for 6 weeks, 1 crutch for 6 and now a cane for 4. my next visit should release me from all assistance and also from precautions. i still do the pt exercises with ankle weights, i ride the stationary bike at my gym, and i do upper body work there. i will say again, my surgeon is very conservative with women because of our generally week bones. (i take that with a grain of salt :)

on a side note, crutches should not hurt your armpits if you are using them correctly. all of the weight goes in your hands at the grip, you should not be leaning on the armpit pads.
dr. john evans
3/24/08 rbhr

Pat Walter

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Re: Up-Time @ One Week
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2008, 10:21:56 PM »

Everyone recovers at their own rate.  So you can't judge yourself by others.  Some were running marathons at 6 months while others were still on crutches.  A lot depends on your pre-op condition.  The more serious the problem, the longer the recovery.

I have normal OA with cysts, loss of bone density and was a female at 61.  I was on 1 crutch at 4 days and none at 4 weeks. Typical of overseas patients. I was walking about 1 mile a day 12 days post op with one crutch.

I was, however, very very tired.  It took me more than 6 months to get my energy back.  I did lots of naping. Had no choice.

So you will be tired after major surgery no matter how quickly or slowly your body recovers. 

Abduction is the most difficult to return.  Like lifting your leg up off the bed high or off to the left or right while standing. It is due to surgery and you can't push it. You muscles and body will heal at their own rate.

You are just along for the ride.

Good LUck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Up-Time @ One Week
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2008, 12:42:53 AM »
All, thanks for the feedback. Sounds like we take what we are given and make the best of it. I will update my progress from time to time and try to read up on others.
FYI, I am 47 with normal OA and small cysts. Playing tournament handball became almost impossible. My surgeon is Dr. Boyd in Salem, OR.

Ventured out for a ride in the car today, first time since 5 hr ride home from hospital. Went pretty well with minimum pain.

Thanks Again!



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Re: Up-Time @ One Week
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2008, 10:42:58 PM »
pat, i am so glad you mentioned that about lack of energy. i have been concerned. nice to know it's pretty normal.
dr. john evans
3/24/08 rbhr


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Re: Up-Time @ One Week
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2008, 02:42:35 PM »
The first 2-3 months I had felt I had a normal lack of energy after my surgery.  Then I felt great!  But recently, I have had no energy at all!  I realize I have gained like 10 lbs. since my surgery and I keep thinking it's from that (I was already overweight, I need to lose like 50 lbs.).  I really hate this feeling of being tired, feeling like I didn't get enough sleep.  I hope this isn't a sign of anything............

Pat Walter

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Re: Up-Time @ One Week
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2008, 03:21:57 PM »
Hi Marni

Maybe you still are not completely over the surgery.  If you have more than usual problems, you could check with your family doctor.  Could you be anemic?  Somewhere I read about someone that was after surgery, but I can't remember the time frame.

I gained weight after surgery too since I was not able to be as active as I wanted to.  Brusitis acted up in my non operated hip.

Give yourself time to heal. It took me almost 6 months to get my energy back and I was not working a job.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Up-Time @ One Week
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2008, 01:56:57 PM »
I'm one week and 2 days out, almost the same as you.  First 5 days post-op were rough, not so much from pain but from nausea and headaches.  Last few days have been much better.

I went right to crutches post-op.  Went from 2 crutches to 1 after 5 days.  Went to a cane yesterday (8 days post-op).  I'm pushing rehab aggressively and know my biggest challenge will be patience. 

I was comfortable w/crutches, having had to use them fairly frequently due to various sporting injuries.  Steps can be a bit tricky: you'll need to hold on to a rail with one arm and put both crutches under the other.  Going upstairs, lead with your good leg, then simultaneously bring up your bad leg and the crutches.  Make sure someone is directly behind you.  Downstairs is different: hold on to the rail with one arm and put both crutches under the other arm.  But lead with your bad leg AND crutch.  Then bring down your good leg.  Make sure someone is in FRONT of you.

I use the one crutch (and the cane as well) on my good side.  That was counter-intuitive for me. 

I don't think crutches will be that different from the walker for you.  Make sure you don't rest your armpits on the top of the crutches.  It's a rookie mistake, and you'll get sore quickly!  The top of the crutch should actually be a couple of inches below your armpits, and your weight should be born by your arms (and legs), as opposed to your armpits.  Good luck.



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