Welcome to Hip Talk. I live in Marietta, OH and I traveled to Belgium to Dr. De Smet because I was older and many US doctors would not normally give me hip resurfacing.
I will suggest that if you husband has special problems, he seeks out one of the really experienced hip resurfacing surgeons. They will not be in Ohio. The most experienced ones I know in OH are Dr. Brooks with 200. That however, would probably not be enough if your husband has a really special problem.
Dr. Gross in SC has done over 1300 hip resurfacings and many difficult cases. Dr. Su in NY has done over 500. You can see both their info here
http://www.surfacehippy.info/listofdoctors.phpDr. Gross will give you a free consutation if you send him an email and either attach the x-rays digitally in .jpg format or just send them to him. He will call you on the phone. Usually takes a couple weeks.
If you insurance will cover overseas, I would suggest Dr. De Smet of Belgium - my doctor - who has done over 3000 hip resurfacings. He is one of the world's best and does many difficult cases.
You can email him and even Dr. Bose of India to ask about your husbands special problem. They will talk to you via email with very good info.
I just can't tell you how a connectiv tissue disorder would affect hip resurfacing. I can't see how it would be much different for a THR than a hip resurfacing - but I am not a doctor.
You husband is still very young and I can understand that he would prefer a hip resurfacing.
Please keep in touch, check out my doctors list and let me know if I can help further.