Hi All,
It's been a while since I've posted, but have been onboard keeping up with you all. I will be having my second hip resurfaced in two weeks and have been pretty busy preparing for the long convalescence that I do recall from the first time around.
Lauren Lee, Bestbob and Juno, I've been tracking your progress and so glad and relieved that you all sound on track. April, 2011 is when I had my first (left hip) and I know it was a long haul but kind of forget those little details - how long on crutches, cane, when did I begin PT, what kind of pain did I have, when could I drive, most important, when did I regain my independence!

I've been reading the pre and post exercises everyone's been doing so I'm taking notes. I've been keeping up my exercises - strength training, yoga, and for me, bike riding!! It's the only thing I can do now without pain! - walking is out! Leg raises - side and front are still good - not strong, but tolerable. And yes, upper body I still work on. I'm hoping all this helps after surgery.
I do have a questions that I see often on this site regarding icing machines - seems some of you love them and swear by them during recovery and further out. I've done some research and do find the Breg Polar Care ice machine on ebay that I saw on a recent post. Is this what I'm looking for? The pads seem to conform to the knee or shoulder, not the hip. Does it matter! Is the pad used interchangeable with knee or hip? Used, they seem to run around $40, which seems reasonable.
I would appreciate any feedback on the machine. Last time I just kept a bunch of ice bags in the freezer...worked fine I suppose. However, two years ago I didn't know much about recovery after hip surgery, today, thanks to everyone on this site, I feel more prepared!

I hope to keep you informed of my progress once my time comes and goes and I'm hoping that I get to "the other side" stronger, more active and pain free!
Thanks everyone!