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Lauren Lee

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12 weeks
« on: September 12, 2013, 09:33:25 PM »
Hi everyone, I just had my 3 month check with Dr. Schmitt. The pre-op hip pain, the swelling, the allergic reactions, the weariness, the odd little pains and spasms-  are all becoming a distant memory. All restrictions lifted, cane is in my car trunk most of the time (sometimes I have to walk some pretty unsteady ground). Getting my groove back. I only seem to limp when I think about it. The stiffness after sitting for a long period of time is easing up.
He looked at my incision (which has given me some discomfort) and while, I may be sensitive to undissolved dissolvable stitches, we are going to leave them alone. He thought the incision looked great otherwise. I use Vitamin E oil on it,  ice once in a while and massage, and it does improve when I do those things faithfully.
He suggested I spend more time on the bike (not that he wanted to discourage me from walking) but said that will strengthen muscles faster. So...that's what I will do. Walk for the dog, and cycle for me.
I still can't lift my leg in a sidelying position but doc assurred me that will come. Last day of PT tomorrow. I still cannot put a sock on easily or polish my toenails. But all of that will come. Until then I get pedicures and I have gotten very good with that sock thing. I can start doing some yoga.
When I asked Dr. Schmitt if there was anything I could do that would hurt my shiny new hip, he said "If it hurts, don't do it". Easy enough. After all, I have been reminded...I am still early in my recovery.
Thanks for being here, hippys.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 09:47:15 PM by Lauren Lee »
RBHR on June 17, 2013


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2013, 10:14:39 PM »
Thank you for the great post, Lauren.  Sounds like you have had a pretty typical recovery and the hardest part is behind you now!  Congrats.
LBHR, Dr. Brooks, Euclid, Ohio,  11/8/13


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2013, 06:54:39 AM »
Lauren -it sound like you are doing great! So glad to read the good report. I sometimes find it hard to believe you and I were only going thru surgery 12 and 10 weeks ago, respectively. I am happy with my progress as week, but sometimes wish I was just a bit further along --- I think this comes with feeling good and also feeling like we are waiting for "normal"!

My operated side feels so good and my unoperated hip is what is giving me pause --- I can't progress further right now since it is giving me such fits. Oh well, this too shall pass! Surgery is scheduled for December. I'm hoping for a good and quick recovery on both sides after that!
Right resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 7/11/13
Left resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 12/11/13


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2013, 10:58:17 AM »
Excellent news, Lauren Lee! Sounds like you're making good progress and right in the chute to a very good result.

Juno, as a bi-hippy, I can tell you that it's such a relief once both are done and done well. Even though it is a redo of the recuperation, experience helps and the prospect of very healthy, pain free hips is a great motivator.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2013, 07:47:20 PM »
Hi Lauren, I am also at 12 weeks, 1 day behind you. Your not the only one with some aches and pains still. My shin pain is becoming a distant memory also, not there yet though. I can put a sock on and tie shoes, it just takes a little longer than before, but is improving. Still taking a pain pill every 2 to 3 days, only at night though. Biking helps, and lifting the leg while lying on the side is no longer a challenge, it did take some time. Have you been doing the exercise of moving your leg to the side while standing, and while lying flat? I did those 2 for 4 weeks prior to even trying to lying on side and lifting my leg. Anyway, we are better off and further along then where we were 13 weeks ago.
RBHR June 18, 2013, Euclid General Ohio, Dr. Brooks

Lauren Lee

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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2013, 09:10:47 PM »
Juno, As athletic as you are...I cannot wait until you get that 2nd hip done and here the reports as your healing is nearing completion. I would imagine feeling how good the recovering hip feels must be very encouraging for you. You are going to have a fabulously active summer next year!
Bestbob, Glad you are doing well too. Glad to have you to walk (limp) alongside as we went through this thing.  As far as the exercises...yes I have been doing the side leg lifts and the side leg things faithfully. As well as hip lifts on the ball. And planks. Lots of different things with the bands and ball. My thighs and hips look great. However....still can't  lift the leg sideways. I just got released for the bike and was on the hip restrictions for 12 l-o-n-g weeks. Doc said I should progress quickly now.
Today was my last PT visit and I was given a home program with new exercises. Tried out a couple of yoga poses and I'm not feeling all of that "excellent range of motion" that the doc alluded to in his OR note...but I think I just need to loosen it up.
RBHR on June 17, 2013


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2013, 07:13:57 AM »
YIPPEEEEE! Sounds like both Lauren Lee and Juno are doing great!! I'm very happy for you both. The little niggles will go soon enough I reckon  ;)

RTHR - 08/08/2013 -Mr johan witt, London


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Re: 12 weeks...I'm at almost 11 weeks
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2013, 05:27:43 AM »
Hi There

I'm a just turned 54 female...right hip resurfacing with De Smet on July 9th.

In reading your post, and those who are also recent post ops, I am feeling very fortunate. I have no problem with putting on socks, sleeping, walking, exercising....occasional twinges but no real pain at all. I don't do well with pain pills, so actually quit after the second day.

I haven't had as much PT as others, it sounds like. I'm joining a gym and meeting with the physio person on staff to start doing some further strengthening this next week. Looking forward to being a fully functioning person again. Hiking, biking, dancing, tennis...maybe running - the verdict is out on that one!!!

Congrats to you, too!!! Isn't being 'bionic' wonderful!

Lauren Lee

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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2013, 11:13:24 PM »
Now that my hip restrictions are lifted I am making some pretty fast progress. I am getting to see some of that "excellent" ROM the doc saw in surgery. Every week I see improvement and am so encouraged! I have never been a particularly limber person but I sure am better than I was for the past 30 years since my accident that decimated my poor hip on a snowmobile. 
RBHR on June 17, 2013


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2013, 08:30:48 PM »
In 12 weeks I will be 6 weeks after my op and you will be 18 post op so kicking goals big time. These exercises planks and others  you are referring to were you doing these pre op as well or are they the post op exercises prescribed to you?. It's great to hear another success story. This surgery and this site in the best thing since sliced bread
RBHR 11/11/13 by Stephen McMahon @
The Avenue Hospital Melbourne Australia

Lauren Lee

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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2013, 09:42:22 PM »
Len, Pre-op I was already doing some gentle yoga, walking and I did have some PT...to see if the ROM of the hip could be improved without surgery. The PT had me doing a lot of the same things I do today. I was not allowed to do anything other than the PT exercises (no crossing midline, no twisting, no bending) and walking for the first 12 weeks. I did do some upper body strengthening pre-op which was REALLY helpful post op. I continue to experience slow steady improvement. Some days are better than others...sometimes I feel that hip starting to dip and the limp showing up and I shut that down real quick! I thought I would gain a ton of weight post op but, in fact, have lost weight AND my clothes fit better on the bottom.:) All the hard work is benefitting more than my shiny new hip!
This site was so helpful to me and continues to be! Great people here!
Best wishes and an uneventful smooth recovery for you!
RBHR on June 17, 2013


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2013, 12:12:48 PM »
Hi All,

It's been a while since I've posted, but have been onboard keeping up with you all.  I will be having my second hip resurfaced in two weeks and have been pretty busy preparing for the long convalescence that I do recall from the first time around.

Lauren Lee, Bestbob and Juno, I've been tracking your progress and so glad and relieved that you all sound on track.  April, 2011 is when I had my first (left hip) and I know it was a long haul but kind of forget those little details - how long on crutches, cane, when did I begin PT, what kind of pain did I have, when could I drive, most important, when did I regain my independence! ::)

I've been reading the pre and post exercises everyone's been doing so I'm taking notes.  I've been keeping up my exercises - strength training, yoga, and for me, bike riding!!  It's the only thing I can do now without pain! - walking is out!  Leg raises - side and front are still good - not strong, but tolerable.  And yes, upper body I still work on.  I'm hoping all this helps after surgery.

I do have a questions that I see often on this site regarding icing machines - seems some of you love them and swear by them during recovery and further out.  I've done some research and do find the Breg Polar Care ice machine on ebay that I saw on a recent post.  Is this what I'm looking for?  The pads seem to conform to the knee or shoulder, not the hip.  Does it matter!  Is the pad used interchangeable with knee or hip?  Used, they seem to run around $40, which seems reasonable.

I would appreciate any feedback on the machine.  Last time I just kept a bunch of ice bags in the freezer...worked fine I suppose.  However, two years ago I didn't know much about recovery after hip surgery, today, thanks to everyone on this site, I feel more prepared! :D

I hope to keep you informed of my progress once my time comes and goes and I'm hoping that I get to "the other side" stronger, more active and pain free!

Thanks everyone!


LBHR - HSS, Dr. Su, 4/11/2011
RBHR - HSS, Dr. Su,  10/17/2013


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2013, 01:02:59 PM »
The medical staff at the hospital took my icing machine when I checked in for surgery and had it ready to attach to me in the recovery room.
I used it for about 2 weeks after surgery and I think it really helped. A tip about usage, the only way to turn it on / off is to plug and unplug it which can be difficult if you're recuperating and stretched out in an armchair like I was.
I plugged a power strip with an on / off button into the wall, stretched it to a table which was next to my chair and plugged the ice machine into that so to turn it on / off I just had to reach out and push the switch.
I saw different recommendations about usage - some said one hour on and one hour off, others said 20 minute cycles. Either way you don't want to be having to get up and mess with a wall socket that frequently, especially if it involves bending down to reach.
My machine is now packed up (hip pad included) and ready to go. If you're interested send me a message and we'll figure something out.
BioMet Left Hip Resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 07/2013


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2013, 04:30:44 PM »
Hi All,

It's been a while since I've posted, but have been onboard keeping up with you all.  I will be having my second hip resurfaced in two weeks and have been pretty busy preparing for the long convalescence that I do recall from the first time around.

Lauren Lee, Bestbob and Juno, I've been tracking your progress and so glad and relieved that you all sound on track.  April, 2011 is when I had my first (left hip) and I know it was a long haul but kind of forget those little details - how long on crutches, cane, when did I begin PT, what kind of pain did I have, when could I drive, most important, when did I regain my independence! ::)

I've been reading the pre and post exercises everyone's been doing so I'm taking notes.  I've been keeping up my exercises - strength training, yoga, and for me, bike riding!!  It's the only thing I can do now without pain! - walking is out!  Leg raises - side and front are still good - not strong, but tolerable.  And yes, upper body I still work on.  I'm hoping all this helps after surgery.

I do have a questions that I see often on this site regarding icing machines - seems some of you love them and swear by them during recovery and further out.  I've done some research and do find the Breg Polar Care ice machine on ebay that I saw on a recent post.  Is this what I'm looking for?  The pads seem to conform to the knee or shoulder, not the hip.  Does it matter!  Is the pad used interchangeable with knee or hip?  Used, they seem to run around $40, which seems reasonable.

I would appreciate any feedback on the machine.  Last time I just kept a bunch of ice bags in the freezer...worked fine I suppose.  However, two years ago I didn't know much about recovery after hip surgery, today, thanks to everyone on this site, I feel more prepared! :D

I hope to keep you informed of my progress once my time comes and goes and I'm hoping that I get to "the other side" stronger, more active and pain free!

Thanks everyone!

Hey Debbie - welcome (almost) to the bi hippy club. We will be sending you the proper forms, decoder ring and secret handshake instructions.

I can tell you that if you need to have a second one done, it feels great to be done despite the recovery. In two weeks you'll be through and after three years, both hips are in good shape.

Good luck!
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2013, 06:04:16 PM »
Thanks Hernanu!

I guess there are some some clubs you just don't have a choice being a part of!  If all goes well, I will certainly embrace my fate and be thankful for having my life back!  :D

Oldsoccerplayer - Thank you for your consideration!  I will consider you offer and reach out if I choose to use the icing machine!

LBHR - HSS, Dr. Su, 4/11/2011
RBHR - HSS, Dr. Su,  10/17/2013


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2013, 07:55:44 PM »
Hi Debbie,
I'm so excited for you! Two more weeks and you will get your hips back!! I'll join the bilateral club in December and am ready.

To answer your question about the ice machine -- I bought mine at Dr. Gross' office and woke up in the recovery room with it on. I used it a lot the first 3 - 4 weeks. I always made sure there was a towel between me and the hip wrap -- it gets really cold and feels wonderful, but you want to protect your skin from frostbite. (Seriously can happen). The hip wrap is designed specifically to fit the hip. There are two Velcro strips to hold in at the hip --- once wraps around your waist and one around the thigh. I don't think a knee or shoulder wrap would fit the hip area. So if you get an ice machine make us it comes with a hip wrap.

For about 2 weeks I used it an hour on and an hour off during the day. I didn't use it while sleeping. Once I was up and really moving I used it after walks and "exercise". It really helped keep the swelling down. Also I worked hard to keep my leg elevated (it also felt more comfortable in that position).

Best of luck! Hoping all goes well.
Right resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 7/11/13
Left resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 12/11/13

Lauren Lee

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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2013, 11:02:07 PM »
Hindsight being 20/20 I would have gotten an ice machine. However,  it did compel me to get out of the chair more often.
RBHR on June 17, 2013


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2013, 07:06:51 AM »
Hello Lauren Lee
Thanks for the advice and well wishes.tomorow marks 5 weeks til surgery. Can't wait.just finished 5 long days at work and past 2 12 hour shifts . Work in justice department over here and feeling it.
Bike riding helps me heaps. Haven't excercises the past 5 days as work taxing but look forward to loosening up on the bike. As I get closer to the op plan to work less and excercise more.if I was more disciplined would do the excercises and stretches recommended.Here in Australia the daylight hours are now longer and sunnier. By the time of the operation  Summer will be just around the corner. It's geeat yo hear all the great recovery stories here. All the best keep up the great work and keep on kicking goals in your recovery..keep on posting :)
Cheers Len

RBHR 11/11/13 by Stephen McMahon @
The Avenue Hospital Melbourne Australia


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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2013, 09:37:26 AM »
Hi Len-

I've read a few of your comments from other posts and sending reply here --

I, too, discovered the joy of bike riding with hip pain...there is none!

At this point, I barely get around - walking is painful, running is a thing of the past - miss it terribly but I don't see myself ever going back.

But the bike riding is so liberating!! ;D  My husband and I spent the last couple of weekends enjoying ourselves discovering all these new places via the bicycle!  We spent the day at the beach yesterday and enjoyed the festivities and events going on down there by weaving in and out of crowds and bypassing all the traffic...and of course, parking is a non-issue!

I'm 11 days pre-op and still finding ways to have fun!  Would like to spread the word to all those in pain or waiting for surgery to try bike riding - works for some not all, but for me, it's become my best friend!

Good luck to you and look forward to future posts after surgery.

Lauren-Lee - I think I'm leaning towards that icing machine! :)

LBHR - HSS, Dr. Su, 4/11/2011
RBHR - HSS, Dr. Su,  10/17/2013

Lauren Lee

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Re: 12 weeks
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2013, 10:58:39 PM »
Debbie and Len, I'll be thinking of you in the upcoming weeks. I am so happy I had this done. Every week I get better and better....I am still reminded that I am not 100% and I look forward to what the next few month have for me! I don't walk around anymore in fear that I might move or twist my leg in just the wrong way and wind up unable to move and then have acute pain for weeks. Maybe have to have PT or maybe just tough my way through.
It is no walk in the park at first but soon it will be all behind us!
RBHR on June 17, 2013



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