Hi all,
I can't believe that tomorrow is my 6-month anniversary! I had a few bumps along the way but got on track a few months out and have been progressing well ever since.
Been out enjoying my road biking, power walking, canoeing, and hiking in the Adirondacks and nearly back to my previously active life with the exception of running and steep mountain hiking. Dr. Clarke made those two activites off limits until we meet again on Thursday. I am crossing my fingers that he gives me the green light to resume running.
I did have a minor incident a month ago and slipped in the mud while hiking. I went right down on my affected hip and thought for sure I had screwed things up.
. Fortunately it was nothing major other than a bit of a setback in my activity level. I also noticed that I began to clunk but that too has subsided.
One other thing, I got lazy and for a few months did not do my stretches but would do power walking and hard rides on my bike. I am more of a go, go, go person and found the stretches boring. I have since resumed my stretching with that fall and find that they are still most beneficial this far out of surgery. I have learned to slow down and make sure I do them at least once a day, preferably in the morning to get the blood moving.
Anyway, I thought I would check in and wanted to say that having this done was the best decision for my active life. I also retired in August and will be doing extensive traveling in a few weeks and will now be able to enjoy the ride pain free.
Life is good.