Mark, have you had anyone talk to you about labral tears and femoral acetabular impingement (FAI)? These are conditions of the hip which cause pain in younger folks, and perhaps your dr is just saying osteoarthritis as a general cause of your pain. Have you had only x-rays? Need MRI for labral tear diagnosis. You can get free consults over the phone from some surgeons, I know Dr. Gross will. They can look at your x-ray and say whether or not you have FAI, which can cause labral tears. If you do, there are other options besides resurfacing. I had my hip scoped at age 32 and that gave me 4 years of relief before I finally needed resurfacing, some get longer. The only reason I say all this is because FAI and labral tears have only been on the ortho radar for the past 10-15 years. Some docs don't regard it as a real problem, though most have come around to the hypothesis. The arthroscopic surgery is less invasive and gets you back faster. Many professional athletes get this procedure and are back to playing their respective sport in 3 months. I imagine at age 26, you can have OA, but I wouldn't be surprised if you actually had FAI that was causing cartliage wear and tear. Google FAI/hip and hip labral tears.